Conference "Regions as motors of new growth through smart specialisation", Brussel

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© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 8 november 2013 08:45 - 17:30
plaats Brussel, Van, België, Turkije
locatie Karel de Grote (CHAR) i Toon locatie
aanwezigen D.M. (Danuta) Hübner i, W. (Walter) Deffaa, D. (Dominique) Ristori, M. (Máire) Geoghegan-Quinn i, J. (Johannes) Hahn i, H.A. (Herman) Van Rompuy i, (Kris) Peeters, (Hermann) Winkler i, (Markku) Markkula, A.G.J.M. (Ton) Rombouts i e.a.
organisatie Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT) i

How to regain competitiveness, foster industrial renewal and exploit new economic opportunities has become the key question for European policy makers in these testing times of rapid globalisation and economic transformation.

In this context smart specialisation has attracted widespread international attention as it supports strategic growth agendas by focusing on the microeconomics of competitiveness and mobilising the innovation and entrepreneurial opportunities available in each region.

At this crucial moment smart specialisation strategies are about to be launched across Europe mobilising a large number of stakeholders and leveraging public and private funds for innovation.

This high-level event will present the state of the art of smart specialisation and discuss its implications for European competitiveness, economic policy making and governance in the search for new growth opportunities.

It will also aim at stimulating processes of mapping and combining national, regional and European innovation roadmaps through a series of thematic workshops focusing on specific areas of joint opportunity linked to common societal challenges.

This conference is targeted at policy-makers at regional, national and European level in the fields of research, innovation, industrial policy and regional development, including ESIF (European Structural and Investment Funds) Managing Authorities and their stakeholders.

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Directoraat-generaal Communicatienetwerken, Inhoud en Technologie (CNECT)

Dit directoraat-generaal i biedt steun bij het gebruiken van informatie- en communicatietechnologie om werkgelegenheid en economische groei te creëren. Betere goederen en diensten moeten voor iedereen bereikbaar worden. Het DG wil daarbij bouwen op digitale technologieën om een betere wereld te creëren, nu en in de toekomst. Het directoraat-generaal streeft ernaar een creatieve, verantwoordelijke en transparante publieke Europese dienst zijn.

Dit DG valt onder verantwoordelijkheid van de Eurocommissaris voor Interne Markt i.


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