Symposium 'Showing Muscle to Brussels? Exploring the interaction between the Dutch Parliament and the EU', Middelburg

Het Stadhuis van Middelburg
datum 9 september 2011 16:00 - 18:00
plaats Middelburg
locatie Roosevelt Academy/Utrecht University, Lange Noordstraat 1 Toon locatie
aanwezigen F.C.G.M. (Frans) Timmermans i, Th.J.A.M. (Tom) de Bruijn i, M. (Mendeltje) van Keulen i e.a.
organisatie Universiteit Utrecht (UU)



Frans Timmermans i

MP for the PvdA i and former Minister i for European Affairs (2007-2010)

Tom de Bruijn i

Member of the Council of State and former Permanent Representative for the Netherlands at the EU i (2003-2011)

Mendeltje van Keulen i

Coordinator EU-staff at the Dutch Parliament i



Peter Bursens

Professor of Political Science, University of Antwerp. Followed by discussion and drinks.

Roosevelt Academy invites you to a symposium to celebrate the launch of The Politics of the European Union , a new EU-textbook written by Herman Lelieveldt and Sebastiaan Princen, published by Cambridge University Press. Policy-making in EU member states is increasingly determined by political decisions made by the EU. What does this mean for the role of national parliaments in EU policy-making and the role parliamentarians could and should play? Do they have sufficient knowledge, interest and resources to keep an eye on European integration? How does their stand affect citizens’ evaluations of the EU? Three experts will give their views on these matters and debate them with the audience.

Click here to register for this free symposium.

A full program and directions will be sent to you in August.


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