Webinar: A visual guide to the EU Cybersecurity project landscape, Online

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Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

Cyberwatching.eu together with the University of Oxford, has organised its 12th webinar entitled “A visual guide to the EU Cybersecurity project landscape” on 2nd April 2020 at 11 AM CET. The webinar will introduce the Cyberwatching Project Radar, how it works, and how the gathered data is processed and visualised. A live demonstration will show how to use the radar, how to interpret the results, and where to find more information. Register now!

Purpose and Scope:

The Cyberwatching project supports EU funded cybersecurity projects to connect, share, and synergise to maximise the impact of their research and innovations.

As part of this work, Cyberwatching is updating and creating a new version of its “Cybersecurity Project Radar” to visualise the state of play across the EU cybersecurity research landscape. This tool addresses key areas of interests for projects themselves, and for funding agencies:

What are the focus areas of research and innovation funding in the EU?

  • In a nutshell, how does the pipeline of research innovation look like?
  • When can we expect results that can be ingested by the target customer segments?
  • How well are the projects progressing through their workplan?
  • How well are we progressing compared to our competitors?

This webinar will introduce the Cyberwatching Project Radar, how it works, and how the gathered data is processed and visualised. A live demonstration will show how to use the radar, how to interpret the results, and where to find more information.

The webinar is free of charge. Register now!


Who should attend:

The webinar is open to all research and innovation projects that want to improve their technological and marketing capabilities. Also, researchers, innovators, EC project officers and programme editors who can use it to observe the cybersecurity and privacy trends.

Find the full agenda here: https://cyberwatching.eu/visual-guide-eu-cybersecurity-project-landscape


Gemeenschappelijke Informatiedienst Onderzoek en Ontwikkelingen (CORDIS)

De Gemeenschappelijke Informatiedienst Onderzoek en Ontwikkelingen (CORDIS) houdt zich bezig informatieverstrekking over Europese onderzoeksactiviteiten in het kader van onderzoek en ontwikkeling en het verspreiden van technische kennis en toepassingen binnen de EU.

CORDIS heeft als doel:

  • deelname aan Europees onderzoek faciliteren en stimuleren
  • het verbeteren van de exploitatie van onderzoeksresultaten in het kader van een competitief Europa (zie ook Zevende Kaderprogramma) i
  • de praktische toepassing van technologisch onderzoek door bedrijven stimuleren door de verspreiding van kennis
  • het bevorderen van de verspreiding van technologische kennis om de sociale acceptatie van nieuwe technologie te stimuleren


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