Connect University Session on "A diverse toolbox: the instruments of disinformation", Online

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Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 20 februari 2020
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Disinformation is not a new phenomenon - but through technological advances and the speed at which information travels, we are looking at a much more complex environment. While online platforms play an important role in tackling disinformation because of platform's popularity, it is essential to keep the whole information environment in mind.Bots are still being employed to spread disinformation, but the challenge has evolved far beyond this, e.g. with the phenomenon of deepfakes on the horizon. Disinformation is also spread via more traditional forms of communication, such as the radio and television. Even poster campaigns and real-world discussions can be used as means to spread disinformation. To understand the entirety of the challenge and to design effective responses on all necessary channels, research is needed on all of those channels and the overarching context of hybrid threats needs to be kept in mind.

You can watch the recording of this session.


Lutz Güllner, Head of Division, Strategic Communications, EEAS


Raimonda Miglinaite, Russia expert, East StratCom Task Force, EEAS

Päivi Tampere, Head of Communications, Hybrid Center of Excellence

Lukas Andriukaitis, Research Associate, Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) at the Atlantic Council.

Ruben Arcos Martin, Lecturer, Rey Juan Carlos University

Background information

This session is part of the Connect University initiative "Tackling online disinformation" organised jointly by DG Comm and DG Connect. Connect University is the flagship of DG Connect which aims to inform about the latest digital trends and challenges which are highly linked with EU's relevant policies and serve as a platform for sharing knowledge through thematic discussions, workshops and seminars.

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Last update: 24 February 2020

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