Imagine 2029: Our data, our health, our care - EHTEL 2019 Symposium, Barcelona

Magische Fontein van Montjuïc in Barcelona
datum 3 december 2019 - 4 december 2019
plaats Barcelona, Spanje
locatie Caixaforum Toon locatie

EHTEL’s annual event will convene the European Digital Health Stakeholder Community in Barcelona (Spain).During the event you will be able to:

  • Learn about the most important challenges which face European health and care up to 2029.
  • Understand how the digital dimension became a significant game-changer in health and care.
  • Witness the overwhelming role of data in health and care, with AI helping us to understand.
  • Debate on how to prepare and maintain sustainable AI friendly eco-systems in digital health.

Before the Symposium - I2M The Satellite Session

A Satellite Session will take place on the day before the Symposium on 2 December 2019, 14:00 - 17:30 CET.

It will be a participatory half-day workshop on the Successful adoption of healthcare innovation in the active and healthy ageing market organised by Innovation to Market (I2M) - with Ticbiomed, EHTEL, and the support of TicSalutSocial.



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