Roundtable “Midsize Cities and Migration: Challenge or Chance?”, Zoetermeer

Station Zoetermeer en de Nelson Mandelabrug
datum 12 december 2019 12:30 - 18:00
plaats Zoetermeer
locatie Dutch Innovation Factory Bleiswijkseweg 37E 2712 PB Toon locatie
aanwezigen A. (Ahmed) Marcouch i e.a.
organisatie Democraten 66 (D66) i

This is a Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable.

Migration shapes cities. Newcomers settle in capital cities such as London and Amsterdam, but also in places like Zoetermeer, Arnhem, Antwerp or Oxford. How can these cities best manage migration? Join us on December 12th in the Dutch Innovation Factory in Zoetermeer for our symposium on midsize cities and migration. Speakers include Ahmed Marcouch and Nadia Arsieni.

At this Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable we zoom in on midsize cities in Europe. They are confronted with similar issues of migration and integration as big cities, but typically lack the means to address them. What defines successful migration policies in such cities? How can midsize cities promote social cohesion in schools and neighborhoods? What can they do to facilitate labour market participation? And which aspects of migration policy should fall under the responsibility of the city and which should be dealt with nationally?

The roundtable builds on the recent study New in Europe: A vision on migration and is hosted by the Hans van Mierlo Stichting, the D66 thinktank, in cooperation with the European Liberal Forum. It will be an English-language event.

Speakers include: Achmed Marcouch, mayor of Arnhem (Netherlands); Nadia Arsieni, D66 councilor in Rotterdam (Netherlands), Nicola Delvino, University of Oxford (United Kingdom); Patrick Joce, Almega (Sweden); Ilona van Breugel, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands); and Andrew Lim, New American Economy (United States); Marthe Hesselmans, Hans van Mierlo Foundation. Moderator will be Karlijn Muiderman (Utrecht University).


Thursday 12 December 2019, 12.30-1800hrs (sessions 13.00-1700hrs)


Dutch Innovation Factory, Zoetermeer

Bleiswijkseweg 37E

2712 PB Zoetermeer

Limited free parking at location

10 min walk from train station Lansingerland-Zoetermeer.

Attendance is free, but please register by using the form below.

You can sign up for this roundtable by filling out the form below.

This event is organised by the European Liberal Forum with the support of the Mr Hans Van Mierlo Stichting. Co-funded by the European Parliament. Neither the European Parliament nor the European Liberal Forum are responsible for the content, nor for any use that may be made of it.

This is a Ralf Dahrendorf Roundtable.

Midsize Cities and Migration

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Democraten 66 (D66)

Democraten 66 (D66) is een hervormingsgezinde sociaal-liberale partij. De huidige politiek leider is Rob Jetten i. De partij werd opgericht op 14 oktober 1966 door 44 'homines novi', waarvan er 25 eerder bij andere politieke partijen actief waren geweest. Belangrijkste initiatiefnemer en voorman (tot 1998) was de oud-journalist Hans van Mierlo i.

D66 haalde bij Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 22 november 2023 i 9 zetels, 15 minder dan in 2021. De partij heeft vijf zetels in de Eerste Kamer. Er zitten drie leden namens D66 in het Europees Parlement.


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