The future of European development policy – Public debate with Neven Mimica, Den Haag

Ridderzaal in Den Haag
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 28 oktober 2016 10:00 - 12:00
plaats Den Haag
locatie The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bezuidenhoutseweg 67 Toon locatie
aanwezigen A.J. (Aart Jan) de Geus i, K.M. (Kathalijne) Buitenweg i, N. (Neven) Mimica i, A.C.C. (Christiaan) Rebergen e.a.
organisatie European Centre for Development Policy Management

On 28 October, ECDPM and the European Think Tanks Group will host a public debate in The Hague with Neven Mimica.

The European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development will spell out his plans for EU development policy and will ask representatives of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NGOs, universities, think tanks and the private sector how they see the future of European development cooperation.

The debate, led by former member of the European Parliament Kathalijne Buitenweg, will address the revision of the European Consensus for Development of 2005, the policy document setting the course for development cooperation in the European Commission and EU member states. Kathalijne Buitenweg will also ask panelists and participants about the role of the Netherlands – and specifically the role of the Dutch private sector – in European development cooperation.

Debate panelists include Daniëlle Hirsch (Director of Both ENDS), Mirjam van Reisen (Professor in International Relations, Innovation and Care at Tilburg University and member of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV)), Aart Jan de Geus (former Dutch minister and chairman of the board of the Bertelsmann Foundation), Christiaan Rebergen (Director General for International Cooperation at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Gaspar Frontini (Head of Unit for Policy and Coherence at the European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development).

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