An amazing meet and greet with MP Georgie Purcell, Animal Justice Party (short version)

Met dank overgenomen van Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 25 oktober 2024, 7:04.

Member of Parliament Ines Kostic from the Party for the Animals had an amazing Q&A in the Netherlands with Georgie Purcell. Watch the short compilation here!

For those who do not know Georgie: she is an amazing animal activist and Member of Parliament for the Animal Justice Party in Victoria, Australia. She wants more rights for animals in the law. And that more young people are represented in politics. So then there is only one thing to do: become a politician yourself. She is the youngest woman in parliament and is known for her criticism of "the constant sexualisation and objectification" women face in Australian politics. But what she would rather talk about: Kangaroo meat, skins Duck hunting and Horse racing.

From all over The Netherlands members of the Party of the Animals attended the evening of the Q&A in The Hague to get to know Georgie a bit more.


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