Book launch European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2019 - Judicial Power: Safeguards and Limits in a Democratic Society, Den Haag

Logo Asser Instituut
datum 5 februari 2020
plaats Den Haag
locatie R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22 2517 JN The Hague Netherlands Toon locatie
aanwezigen E.M.H. (Ernst) Hirsch Ballin i e.a.
organisatie T.M.C. Asser Instituut i

In countries around the world there is political criticism and pressure on the judiciary, against which the usual guarantees for independence seem to be unable to provide adequate protection. A convincing and effective response to threats to the judiciary’s independence requires a detailed and precise analysis of the judiciary’s constitutional safeguards and limits.

This event celebrates the publication of the inaugurate volume of the European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (EYCL), entitled Judicial Power: Safeguards and Limits in a Democratic Society. The volume examines the safeguards and limits of judicial power in a variety of constitutional systems, both at the national and supranational level. You can order a copy here.

This event will be opened by Geert Vervaeke, dean of Tilburg Law School. Co-editor Ernst Hirsch Ballin will introduce the European Yearbook of Constitutional Law series, while co-editor Gerhard van der Schyff will introduce the topic of the first volume.

Kees Sterk, Vice President of the Dutch Council for the Judiciary and President of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary, will deliver the keynote speech in which he will discuss the topic of the book, focusing in particular on how threats to judicial independence can best be addressed.

The keynote speech will be followed by a round table with experts in the field, moderated by co-editor Maarten Stremler, and a general Q & A session with the audience. Click here for the full programme.

About the European Yearbook of Constitutional Law (EYCL)

The EYCL is an annual publication initiated by the Department of Public Law and Governance at Tilburg University and devoted to the study of constitutional law. It aims to provide a forum for in-depth analysis and discussion of new developments in the field, both in Europe and beyond. The theme of the second volume is ‘The City in Constitutional Law’.


T.M.C. Asser Instituut

Dit Nederlandse kennis- en onderzoekscentrum is gespecialiseerd in internationaal privaat- en publiekrecht, Europees recht en internationale handelsarbitrage. Het T.M.C. Asser Instituut is opgericht in 1965 en is gelieerd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Het instituut heeft als doel om wetenschappelijk onderzoek en postgraduate onderwijs activiteiten te stimuleren en te organiseren waarbij kennis van het internationale recht versterkt wordt. Daarnaast wil het instituut de positie van Den Haag als City of Justice, Peace and Security versterken.

Naast fundamenteel wetenschappelijk onderzoek, legt het instituut zich toe op contract-onderzoek en advieswerkzaamheden. Dit consultancy maatwerk varieert van het vinden van (ad hoc) oplossingen voor kleinere juridische vraagstukken tot de coördinatie en/of uitvoer van langlopende structurele (onderzoeks)projecten. Tot de opdrachtgevers behoren o.a. de Europese Unie i, nationale overheden, internationale organisaties en advocatenkantoren.


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