Jyrki Katainen in Paris, France: delivers a keynote speech at the Capital Markets Summit, meets with Mr. Steven Maijoor, President of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Notre Dame in Parijs
datum 8 februari 2018
plaats Parijs, Frankrijk
aanwezigen C.E.G. (Karien) van Gennip i, J.T. (Jyrki) Katainen i, S.J. (Steven) Maijoor i e.a.
organisatie Politico Europe

The future of Europe’s single financial market is still unclear: The European Commission is set to propose the building blocks of the Capital Markets Union by 2019, just as the full effects of Brexit are expected to hit. Will Europe take this opportunity to reinforce its commitment to deeper market integration? With President Emmanuel Macron in charge in France, will Paris and Berlin form a dynamic duo to give Europe the common financial framework needed to boost growth and investment? Will the Eurozone be able to reform and integrate further, allowing capital to flow freely within the monetary union and Europe at large? In its push to build a robust and competitive financial industry, what must Europe do to attract new businesses and maintain its appeal in this new world order?


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