EPP leaders to meet for Summit in Brussels ahead of European Council

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

EU heads of state and government, opposition leaders of the European People’s Party (EPP) and the Presidents of the European Council, the European Commission and European Parliament- Donald TUSK, Jean-Claude JUNCKER and Antonio TAJANI - have been invited to participate at the upcoming EPP Summit, to take place in Brussels on 9 March. On the agenda will be the preparation for the European Council meeting on 9 and 10 March.

EPP President Joseph DAUL will host the Summit. The Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Manfred WEBER, EPP Secretary General Antonio LÓPEZ-ISTÚRIZ and the members of the EPP Presidency will participate.

Angela MERKEL (Germany), Klaus IOHANNIS (Romania), Nicos ANASTASIADES (Cyprus), Viktor ORBÁN (Hungary), Enda KENNY (Ireland), Mariano RAJOY (Spain) and Andrej PLENKOVIĆ (Croatia) are currently the EPP heads of state and government in the European Council.

EPP Summit:

Date: 9 March from 12:30 until 15:30

Venue: Académie Royale de Belgique, Rue Ducale 1 (close to Metro Trône)

Press registration:

Please register by Wednesday, 8 March at 13:00 by using the following e-form: http://epp.org/2luBHdN

Note to the Press:

The press area will open at 11:00.

The EPP will be offering live info and photo feeds from the EPP Summit through its official Twitter, Facebook and Flickr accounts. Video footage will also be available via satellite after the Summit. Follow us live and get an insight on how our leaders prepare the European Council:

Twitter: http://twitter.epp.eu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/epp.eu

Flickr: http://flickr.epp.eu

For security reasons, please ensure that you bring a valid form of identification: journalists and cameramen will be given access to the venue upon presentation of their accreditation badges issued by the European Council, or their national press ID cards. Journalists without one of these documents must contact Karine Milheiro (e-mail: km@epp.eu).


Europese Volkspartij (EVP)

De Europese Volkspartij (EVP) is de partij van christendemocratische stromingen in de Europese Unie en in enkele buurlanden van de EU. Het Nederlandse CDA i en de ChristenUnie i zijn aangesloten bij de EVP, evenals bijvoorbeeld de Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU) en de Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern (CSU) uit Duitsland, het Franse Les Républicains, de Spaanse Partido Popular en het Italiaanse Forza Italia.

De fractie van de EVP i is de grootste groep in het Europees Parlement.


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