Invitation: Commemoration of the Treaty of Rome, Oudergem

Kalender (Bron: swedeandsour /
swedeandsour /
datum 25 maart 2017
plaats Oudergem, België
locatie Château Sainte Anne, Brussels, Belgium Toon locatie
organisatie Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa (partij) (ALDE) i

At the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the signature of the Treaty of Rome

the ALDE Party and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Europe kindly invite you to a festive

Commemorative Ceremony

on Saturday 25 March 2017 as of 14.30

at the Royal International Club Château Sainte Anne located at only a couple of hundred meters of the Val Duchesse where the Treaty of Rome was drafted in 1957.

Please RSVP by 22 March 2017:

As of 15.00, we are honoured to have interventions from (in alphabetical order):

Mechthild von Alemann, ALDE Party Secretary General 1985-1990, former Member of the European Parliament

Colette Flesch, ALDE Party President 1985-1990, former Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Honorary President Demokratesch Partei

Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck, ALDE Party President 2005-2011, Minister of State of Belgium, former Member of the European Parliament

The interventions will be followed by a reception.

venue: Château Sainte Anne, rue du Vieux Moulin 103 Oude Molenstraat, 1160 Brussels

At Château Sainte Anne you will also have the opportunity to view the work of the laureates of the international comic competition "Animate Europe", that was organised by Friedrich Naumann Foundation Europe. In an attempt to take a different look at the often abstract European Union, FNF Europe asked comic artists and graphic novelists from all over the world to share their ideas of what Europe means to them and what it might look like in 50, 100, 200 years. The Friedrich Naumann Foundation has launched its third round this year under the title 'Re-Animate' Europe.


Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa (partij) (ALDE)

De Partij van de Alliantie van Liberalen en Democraten voor Europa (ALDE) is een transnationale, overkoepelende partij van liberalen. De ALDE, voorheen ELDR, bestaat sinds 1976 als samenwerkingsverband en werd in 1993 een zelfstandige Europese partij. Er zijn bijna 60 partijen bij de ALDE aangesloten, waaronder de Nederlandse partijen VVD i en D66 i, de Duitse Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) en de Deense partijen Venstre en Radikale Venstre.


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