Third International Munich Cyber Security Conference

München, Duitsland
Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0


President Jean-Claude Juncker in Munich, Germany: delivers a speech at the Münchner Europakonferenz.

Mr Andrus Ansip in Munich, Germany: delivers the opening address at the "Third International Munich Cyber Security Conference".

Mr Günther Oettinger in Munich, Germany: participates in Munich Security Conference and delivers a speech "Fireside Chat: 2017 - A Year of Destiny".

Andrus Ansip: Munich, Germany: takes part in fireside chat at IBM Genius of Things summit


Mr Frans Timmermans, Ms Federica Mogherini, Mr Andrus Ansip, Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Mr Dimitris Avramopoulos,Ms Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Mr Julian King in Munich, Germany: participate in Munich Security Conference.

Mr Maroš Šefčovič in Munich, Germany: delivers a keynote speech at the Energy Security Round Table of Munich Security Conference; meets Mr Harald Krüger, Chairman of the Board of Management of BMW AG; Mr Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus Group; Mr Norbert Röttgen, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag; and Mr Giorgi Kvirikashvili, Prime Minister of Georgia.

Federica Mogherini: Attends the Munich Security Conference, in Munich, Germany.

Ms Federica Mogherini in Munich, Germany: meets Mr Denis Zvizdić, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Andrus Ansip: Munich: visits IBM Watson centre

Andrus Ansip: Munich: meets Arne Schönbohm, Head of Germany's Federal Cyber Agency (BSI)

Andrus Ansip: Munich: gives opening statement at the Cybersecurity Roundtable (Munich Security Conference)

Andrus Ansip: Munich: meets U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, General John Kelly

Andrus Ansip: Munich: meets delegation from Microsoft (John E. Frank, VP for EU government affairs; Paul Nicholas, Senior Director, Global Security, Strategy and Diplomacy; Jan Neutze, Director of Cybersecurity Policy, Europe, Middle East, Africa)

Frans Timmermans: Attends BMW Foundation Panel "Ending Reform Paralysis in the European Neighbourhood-With or Without the EU?"

Frans Timmermans: Attends panel discussion on "European Cooperation"

Frans Timmermans: Meets Mr Borut Pahor, President of Slovenia


Mr Andrus Ansip in Munich, Germany: participates in Munich Security Conference; and visits IBM centre.

Dimitris Avramopoulos: Participates at the Munich Security Conference


Europese Commissie (EC)

Deze instelling van de Europese Unie kan worden beschouwd als het 'dagelijks bestuur' van de EU. De leden van de Europese Commissie worden 'Eurocommissarissen' genoemd. Elke Eurocommissaris is verantwoordelijk voor één of meerdere beleidsgebieden.

Momenteel zijn er, naast de voorzitter, 26 Eurocommissarissen. In principe is er voor iedere lidstaat één. Samen vormen zij het college van Eurocommissarissen. De Eurocommissarissen moeten het belang van de Europese Unie als geheel behartigen, niet dat van hun eigen land.


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