NGL Climate Conference: No nonsense, No excuses - only real climate solutions, Brussel

Altiero Spinelli-gebouw (ASP) in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen

Thursday 22nd October 2015


22 Oct 15 -

Several UN agencies say the climate change impact on the Earth’s continents and oceans is already huge but things will get really worse unless greenhouse gas emissions are brought under control. Poor and marginalized communities around the globe will be among the first and hardest hit victims of climate change.

Ahead of December's climate negotiations in Paris (COP21), this year's Nordic Green Left (NGL) Environmental Conference has a strong focus on social and political mobilisation for the protection of our planet. MEPs, NGO activists and public officials and diplomats - from inside and outside Europe - will engage in a free, frank debate with guests under the motto "No nonsense, No excuses - only real climate solutions".

"Discussions will come in four distinct panels: expectations around the Paris "make it or break it" talks (panel 1); a roadmap to Paris by civil society (panel 2); communities' refusal of a bad climate solution - fracking - (panel 3); and real, local positive solutions (panel 4)."

Because people’s livelihoods are linked to natural resources and a healthy environment the NGL invites YOU to grab this opportunity to ask questions and share YOUR climate concerns.

Thursday 22nd October 2015

Location: European Parliament, Brussels, room: ASP 1G2

9.00-9.30: Opening and Keynote speech

Opening of the conference: Malin Björk, MEP

Environment, Commitment, Mobilisation

Helen Slottje, Goldman Environmental Prizewinner 2014

9.30-11.00: What can we expect from Paris?

  • Anne-Marie Mineur, MEP, GUE/NGL shadow
  • Ambassador Ms Claudia Salerno Caldera, ALBA countries
  • Minister Counsellor André Odenbreit Carvalho, representative of the Brazilian government
  • Tommaso Nodari, Programme Coordinator, Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation

Moderator: Lynn Boylan, MEP

11.00-12.30: Civil society roadmap to Paris

  • Corinne Morel Darleux, Front de Gauche
  • Kim Uddh, PUSH Sweden
  • Representative from Friends of the Earth (tbc)
  • Christophe Aguiton, Coalition 21

Moderator: Martina Anderson, MEP

12.30 - 14.30: Sandwich lunch

14.30-16.00: When communities stand their grounds (fracking-victories, stories and realities)

  • Helen Slottje: The New York victory
  • Mikel Otero: The Basque reality
  • Ed Pybus: The Scottish example
  • Mihaela Popescu: Frack-off Romania!
  • Geraldine Ring: The Irish experience

Moderator: Josu Juaristi Abaunz, MEP

16.00-16.15: Short break

16.15-17.45: Real solutions: local voices count

  • - 
    EC Representative "European Green City"
  • Representative from "Brussels Environment"
  • Representative from EcoConso environmental intelligence network
  • Mustapha Sinaceur, director of the Brussels liaison office of FAO

Moderator: Stefan Eck, MEP

17.45-18.00: Closing remarks and end of words

Closing remarks: Anja Hazekamp

Interpretation: FR, EN, DE, NL, ES, SV

For information contact:

Registration before 21st of Oct at 12h00 - Henrik Andersen (

GUE/NGL press contact: Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628 -


Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links (GUE/NGL)

Europees Unitair Links/Noords Groen Links is een linkse tot extreemlinkse fractie in het Europees Parlement en bestaat hoofdzakelijk uit partijen met een socialistische of (soms voormalige) communistische achtergrond. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de Duitse partij Die Linke, de Griekse en Tsjechische communisten.

GUE/NGL telt 37 leden afkomstig uit 13 lidstaten. Hiermee is het de kleinste fractie in het huidige Europees Parlement. GUE/NGL haalde haar beste resultaat in 2014, toen zij 52 zetels behaalde. In tegenstelling tot enkele andere fracties heeft GUE/NGL geen partijorganisatie.


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