Stronger local ownership needed for the post 2015 development goals

Met dank overgenomen van Comité van de Regio's (CvdR) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 juni 2015.

In a crucial moment for the international development agenda, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) hosted, on Monday and Tuesday, the 4th Assises of Decentralised Cooperation for Development. The event, co-organised with European Commission, brought together more than 500 participants, including: local and regional leaders from the EU and developing countries, as well as representatives of EU institutions, to offer a platform for sharing knowledge and best practises in the field of development cooperation.

In the coming months, two important meetings will lay the foundations for the next 15 years and determine the way the world will address the challenges of poverty eradication and promote sustainable development between now and 2030. The first is the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, in Addis Ababa in July. Then, September will see the UN Summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. Opening the Plenary Session of the Assises on Tuesday, CoR president Markku Markkula said: "The lack of local ownership is one of the major weaknesses of the Millennium Development Goals. Based on its rich experience in regional policy, the EU should be on the front line in supporting local and regional authorities' participation to development and promoting the subnational dimension in the future international framework for development. A financial bonus could be granted to partner countries that consider regional and local development policies within their national development strategy".

Local and regional authorities have participated in various preparatory meetings and consultations, but their full involvement is required in the further development of the new agenda, argues CoR member Hans Janssen (NL/EPP) who participated in one of the round tables of the Assises. "One important aspect of this is that local and regional authorities be acknowledged as differing radically from civil society organisations, media and industry", Janssen says.

Janssen, Mayor of Oisterwijk, is rapporteur for the CoR opinion discussing two Commission communications related to the post-2015 development agenda. The draft opinion, to be adopted in the plenary session later this week, argues in favour of keeping the specific objective of inclusive, safe, efficient and sustainable cities and communities, in view of ongoing urbanisation throughout the world. "There are also countries where local and regional authorities are still weak. Capacity building will be necessary in order to enable them to fulfil their roles. Local and regional authorities in Europe often have a wealth of relevant knowledge and experience and are more than willing to share it with their less-experienced counterparts", Janssen recalls.


Lauri Ouvinen

Tel. +32 22822063