Towards Greater EU-Taiwan Economic Cooperation?, Den Haag

Ridderzaal in Den Haag
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 10 december 2014 13:45 - 16:45
plaats Den Haag
locatie Clingendael Toon locatie
aanwezigen A. (Annemarie) Jorritsma-Lebbink i, M.W.A. (Maaike) Okano-Heijmans e.a.
organisatie Instituut Clingendael i

What are the implications for European governments and businesses of recent developments in Cross-Strait relations? Do the signing in 2010 of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA, and subsequent agreements) and the accompanying improvements in the relations between China and Taiwan offer possibilities for strengthened economic cooperation between the EU and Taiwan? What are the key considerations of Dutch public and private actors with regard to these issues? Those are the key questions for debate at this expert seminar.

The meeting brings together a selected group of high-level representatives from the Taiwanese and Dutch public and private sectors, as well as several prominent researchers in the field.

The aim of the seminar is to improve our understanding of (1) the nature of recent developments in Cross-Strait relations; (2) the effects of regional and bilateral trade negotiations in Asia on the geostrategic position of Taiwan; and (3) the implications and opportunities for European - and especially Dutch - governments and businesses with regards to these developments.


13.30 Arrival of guests

13.45-14.00 Introduction by the chair

Maaike Okano-Heijmans, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute

14.00-14.10 Word of welcome

Bas Pulles, Director International Programmes, Netherlands Enterprise Agency

14.10-14.40 Keynote speech: Taiwan’s trade diplomacy and EU-Taiwan relations

Chih-yu Chien, Negotiator, Office of Trade Negotiation, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Executive Yuan, Republic of China (Taiwan)

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Director, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)

14.40-15.15 Q&A and plenary discussion

Coffee/tea break

15.30-16.00 Session 2. Implications and opportunities for governments and businesses

Annemarie Jorritsma, Mayor of the City of Almere

Roy Lee, Deputy CEO, Chung-hua Institute for Economic Research (CIER)

16.00-16.45 Q&A and plenary discussion


This expert seminar is by invitation only.

If you are working in a relevant field and wish to attend the meeting, you are invited to contact us by e-mail at


Instituut Clingendael

Het Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen ‘Clingendael’ is een kennisplatform met als doel kennis en inzicht over internationale betrekkingen te bevorderen en het publiek debat over internationale onderwerpen te stimuleren.

Instituut Clingendael is een denktank en een opleidingsinstituut voor diplomaten. Het Instituut identificeert en analyseert opkomende politieke en sociale ontwikkelingen voor een breed spectrum van doelgroepen door middel van onderzoek, opleidingen en via de platformfunctie. Clingendael adviseert daarnaast overheid, parlement, sociale organisaties en de private sector. Het Instituut verzorgt tevens het maandelijkse online Clingendael Magazine Internationale Spectator i.


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