Brief van de Europese Commissie over de EC study assessing the cumulative impact of the F2F and biodiversity strategies [COM(2020)381 and COM(2020)380]



Officiële titel Brief van de Europese Commissie over de EC study assessing the cumulative impact of the F2F and biodiversity strategies [COM(2020)381 and COM(2020)380]
Document­datum 13-08-2021
Publicatie­datum 13-08-2021
Commissie(s) Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV)
Externe link origineel bericht
Originele document in PDF



Ref. Ares(2021 )4837083 - 28/07/2021


Rue de la Loi, 200 B-1049 Brussels tel. + 32-2 295 02 20

Br usse Is,


De a r hJs K.u I ken,

I wish to thank you for your letter dated 23 June 2021, where you refer to a

Commission's report on the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies.

The rep ort p rese nts a modelled scenario of an ambitious implementation of the CAP refo r m proposals and assesses the effects o n EU a qricu Iture, The ana lysis includes the effects of achieving fo u r quantitative ta r g ets as put forwa r d in the Fa r m to Fo r k and Biodiversity strategies.

The stu dy is being finalised and wi II be published soon on the Commission's Joint /Research Centre website.

ours sincerely,


Ms Attje K u i ken

Standing co m m ittee on /\gr icu Iture, Nature and F~ood Quality— Tweed e Kamer der State Ge n er a a I

PO Bo, 20018

2500 FA The Hague

c I e, I nv CPtweed ek a

HI Electronically signed on 28/07/2021 09:47 (UTC+02) in accordance with article 11 of Commission Decision C(2020) 4482



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