Sixth meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) on Europol, Zagreb

Zagreb, Kroatië. Kroatisch Nationaal Theater

The sixth meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG) will take place on 22-23 March 2020 in Zagreb. The JPSG brings together Members of national parliaments and the European Parliament to fulfil the scrutiny and oversight on the activities of Europol including on fundamental rights. The JPSG meets at least twice a year. It is Co-Chaired by the European Parliament and the country holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The agenda includes points resulting from the obligations formulated in articles 12, 51 and 52 of the Europol Regulation (regulation (EU)2016/794) including hearing the European data Protection Supervisor, the Europol Executive Director, the Chairperson of the Europol Management Board and discussing the Multiannual Work Programme. The agenda also includes high profile discussions on topics such as Europol External Strategy and Operational Agreements with Third Countries, the EU Internal Security Strategy and the Role of Europol and Innovation and Research at Europol. The meeting will give the LIBE Members the opportunity to obtain first-hand information on these topics and will enable them to scrutinise Europol's activities as foreseen in article 88 TFEU.

Location: National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia

Last updated: 20-02-2020


EP-Commissie Burgerlijke vrijheden, justitie en binnenlandse zaken (LIBE)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met de rechten van de burgers van de EU, bestrijding van discriminatie, vrij verkeer van personen, asiel en migratie en de samenwerking bij de rechtsgang.

Deze commissie telt 69 leden. De belangrijkste taak van de commissie is de wetgeving en het democratisch toezicht op het beleid dat de Europese Unie in staat stelt haar burgers vrijheid, veiligheid te bieden. Hierbij zorgt de commissie ervoor dat de waarden uit het EU-Handvest van de grondrechten i in de gehele Europese Unie worden gehandhaafd.


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