AdHoc 4/2020: European Intellectual Property Crime - Case Study - The Dreambox, Online

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Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 18 februari 2020
locatie Online Toon locatie
organisatie Europese Politieacademie (Cepol) i


18 February 2020


14:00 - 15:30 CET




The Dreambox case deals with investigations on a complex criminal scheme aimed at providing commercial premises, mainly pubs and sport clubs, with illegal pay tv subscription programmes that were fraudulently allowing owners to show sport content to customers in their premises at the detriment of legitimate stakeholders. The case is interesting not only for the criminal scheme in itself and for the progressive evolution of the defendants modus operandi, but especially for the successful prosecutorial strategy that focused on bringing charges for conspiracy to defraud rather than on intellectual property rights infringements. The sentences imposed demonstrate the severity of the nature and scale of the fraud. Defendant 1 SK was sentenced to seven years and four months of imprisonment, Defendant 2 PR was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of six years and four months and Defendant 3 DM to imprisonment for a period of three years and three months.

Target Audience:

Law Enforcement officials interested in Intellectual Property Crime.

Registrations for this webinar now open on e-Net restricted only.


LE Technologies, Forensics and other Specific Areas




intellectual property crime

case study





Europese Politieacademie (Cepol)

Dit agentschap i leidt hogere politie-ambtenaren uit de nationale korpsen van de EU-lidstaten i op, om zo efficiënt mogelijk de grensoverschrijdende misdaad te bestrijden en de orde te handhaven.

De Europese Politieacademie (Cepol) is operationeel sinds 1 januari 2001. Vanaf 1 januari 2006 heeft het de status van agentschap van de Europese Unie.


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