Party for the Animals: EU must stop the cruelty in the rabbit industry!

Met dank overgenomen van Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 28 januari 2020, 17:53.

🐰 Europe should combat the animal abuse in the rabbit industry as soon as possible. Party for the Animals’ MEP Anja Hazekamp advocated this in a meeting with the Euro Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski.

❌ After chickens, rabbits are the most commonly kept animal for their meat. Yet there is still no specific legislation for rabbits even though the European Parliament asked for this in 2007.

❌ Last week the European Food Safety Authority issued a scathing judgment about the miserable situation of rabbits. They spend their entire lives in cages without daylight, without room for movement, without social contact, and regularly without food and drink. And at the end of their miserable existence, they are often killed in an inept and painful way.

❌ Images from Dutch rabbit farming confirm that even there rabbits go through hell. They have neck problems, damage to ears, injuries to their legs, and there are even dead rabbits in the cages.

💪🏽 This doesn't belong in a civilized region. Let's put an end to it!

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