
Wetgevingsvoorstellen in onderhandeling

Er zijn 219 voorstellen voor wetgeving of andere juridische instrumenten van undefined in onderhandeling bij de Raad en het Europees Parlement.
Datum Titel
20.03.2013  Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Jordan Progress in 2012 and recommendations for action accompanying the document: European Neighbourhood Policy: ...
20.03.2013  Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Lebanon Progress in 2012 and recommendations for action accompanying the document: European Neighbourhood Policy: ...
17.12.2012  Ondersteuning van nauwere samenwerking en regionale integratie in de Maghreb: Algerije, Libië, Mauritanië, Marokko en Tunesië.
Mededeling join(2012)36
07.12.2012  Review of the functioning of the EEA.
Werkdocument Europese Commissie swd(2012)425
20.11.2012  EU betrekkingen met Andorra, Monaco en San Marino Mogelijkheden tot verdere integratie met de EU.
Mededeling com(2012)680
20.11.2012  COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER Obstacles to access by Andorra, Monaco and San Marino to the EU's Internal Market and Cooperation in other Areas Accompanying the document ...
11.10.2012  Implementatie van de Agenda voor Actie voor het ondersteunen van democratie als onderdeel van EU buitenlands beleid.
Verslag join(2012)28
31.08.2012  JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE COUNCIL EU Counter-terrorism Action Plan for the Horn of Africa and Yemen.
Mededeling join(2012)24
13.08.2012  Ondertekening van de toetreding tot de Overeenkomst inzake politieke dialoog en samenwerking tussen de EU en Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua en ...
Besluit com(2012)455
26.06.2012  Gezamenlijke strategie voor een partnerschap tussen de EU en het Caribisch gebied.
Mededeling join(2012)18
26.06.2012  Ontwikkeling van een EU-beleid ten opzichte van het Noordpoolgebied: vooruitgang sedert 2008 en volgende stappen.
Mededeling join(2012)19
26.06.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT The inventory of activities in the framework of developing a European Union Arctic Policy Accompanying the document JOINT COMMUNICATION TO ...
26.06.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Space and the Arctic Accompanying the document JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Developing a European Union ...
11.06.2012  Standpunt EU over een wijziging van Protocol 31 bij de EER-overeenkomst betreffende samenwerking op specifieke gebieden buiten de vier vrijheden.
Besluit com(2012)285
01.06.2012  Machtiging om onderhandelingen te openen over aanpassing van vier overeenkomsten in verband met de uitbreiding van de EU met Kroatië.
Aanbeveling com(2012)255
15.05.2012  Traject voor de top van Oostelijk Partnerschap in 2013.
Mededeling join(2012)13
15.05.2012  Uitwerking nieuwe richting voor Nabuurschapsbeleid.
Mededeling join(2012)14
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Eastern Partnership Roadmap 2012-13: the multilateral dimension Accompanying the document JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Eastern Partnership Roadmap 2012-13: the bilateral dimension Accompanying the document JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Armenia Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Azerbaijan Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2011 Regional Report : Eastern Partnership Accompanying the document JOINT ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Egypt Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document JOINT ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Georgia Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Israel Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Jordan Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Lebanon Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the Republic of Moldova Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying ...
15.05.2012  DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL CONJOINT DES SERVICES Mise en oeuvre de la Politique Europénne de Voisinage au Maroc Progrès réalisés en 2011 et actions à mettre en oeuvre ...
Verslag sec(2012)119;swd(2012)119
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in the occupied Palestinian territory Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity: Report on activities in 2011 and Roadmap for future action Accompanying the document JOINT ...
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2011 Statistical Annex Accompanying the document JOINT COMMUNICATION TO THE EUROPEAN ...
15.05.2012  DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL CONJOINT DES SERVICES Mise en oeuvre de la Politique Europénne de Voisinage en Tunisie Progrès réalisés en 2011 et actions à mettre en oeuvre ...
Verslag sec(2012)123;swd(2012)123
15.05.2012  JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in Ukraine Progress in 2011 and recommendations for action Accompanying the document ...
03.05.2012  Macau: Jaarverslag 2011.
Verslag join(2012)10
03.05.2012  Hongkong: Jaarverslag 2011.
Verslag join(2012)11
21.03.2012  Naar een hernieuwd partnerschap voor ontwikkeling tussen de EU en het Stille Oceaangebied.
Mededeling join(2012)6
12.12.2011  Centrale plaats voor mensenrechten en democratie in het externe optreden van de EU - naar een meer doeltreffende aanpak.
Mededeling com(2011)886
28.11.2011  EU-standpunt over de implementatie van artikel 66 van de associatieovereenkomst met Palestina.
Besluit sec(2011)1414
25.05.2011  Inspelen op de veranderingen in onze buurlanden.
Mededeling com(2011)303
25.05.2011  DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL CONJOINT DES SERVICES Mise en oeuvre de la politique européenne de voisinage en 2010Rapport pays : Maroc DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL CONJOINT DES SERVICES ...
Verslag sec(2011)651
25.05.2011  DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL CONJOINT DES SERVICES Mise en oeuvre de la politique européenne de voisinage en 2010Rapport pays : Tunisie DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL CONJOINT DES SERVICES ...
Verslag sec(2011)652
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Country report: Lebanon JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Follow-Up to the Joint Communication on a Partnership for Democracy and Shared ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Country report: Azerbaijan JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Report: Eastern Partnership JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Country Report: Israel JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Country report: Republic of Moldova JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Country Report: occupied Palestinian territory JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER ...
25.05.2011  JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy in 2010Sector Progress Report JOINT STAFF WORKING PAPER Implementation of the European ...