Origins and development of sub-groups of Member States within the EU, Brussel

Atomium in Brussel
© Kevin Bergenhenegouwen
datum 28 september 2017 10:30
plaats Brussel, België
organisatie EP-Commissie Constitutionele zaken (AFCO) i

On 28 September the Committee on Constitutional Affairs will hold a public hearing on 'Origins and development of sub-groups of Member States within the EU and its impact in the integration process'. The Committee will hear from three experts on this subject.

The three invited experts are Charles de Marcilly from Robert Schuman Foundation, Anna-Lena Kirch from the German Council on Foreign Relations and Professor Jacques Ziller from the University of Pavia. They will focus on the paradoxes of furthering integration by the sub-groups of Member States, on specific experience with Nordic-Baltic and Visegrad cooperation as well on the legal framework set out by the EU constitutional framework for such groups.

Location: Brussels

Last updated: 26-09-2017


EP-Commissie Constitutionele zaken (AFCO)

Deze parlementaire commissie i houdt zich onder meer bezig met de organisatorische aspecten van de Europese Unie, het EU-verdrag en de gevolgen van uitbreiding van de EU voor de organisatiestructuur.

De commissie telt 28 leden. De belangrijkste taak van de commissie is het toezien op de uitvoering van de Verdragen en, indien nodig, de wijziging ervan.


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