LIFE Platform Meeting on Air Quality, Barcelona

Magische Fontein van Montjuïc in Barcelona
datum 26 september 2017 - 27 september 2017
plaats Barcelona, Spanje
organisatie Directoraat-generaal Milieu (ENV) i

The AIRUSE and IMPROVE LIFE projects are hosting the LIFE Platform Meeting on Air Quality on 26 - 27 September 2017. Entitled, abating urban exposure to air pollutants, the event will be held in Barcelona (Spain).

The aim of this Platform Meeting is to review state-of-the-art strategies and measures to improve air quality in cities. Speakers addressing a range of areas will present findings that will help prepare guidelines useful for all European cities. The two-day meeting will be structured around three sessions: Urban Air Quality Measures, Citizen Exposure while commuting, and Models and Tools for Air Quality Management. Among the topics covered will be measures to abate pollution from road traffic, industry, domestic and commercial heating, shipping, construction/demolition work, and airports.

The AIRUSE project demonstrated mitigation measures to reduce particulate matter (PM) levels from diverse sources to within acceptable limits. IMPROVE LIFE is providing a benchmark study with the aim of improving subway air quality in Barcelona. Many other LIFE projects will also present their findings during the meeting.

The final agenda provides more details about the event. For further information, please contact Raquel Navarrete:


Directoraat-generaal Milieu (ENV)

Dit directoraat-generaal i ontwerpt nieuwe milieuwetgeving, werkt deze uit en ziet erop toe te dat de overeengekomen maatregelen ook daadwerkelijk door de lidstaten in praktijk worden gebracht. Opdracht daarbij is: het milieu voor huidige en toekomstige generaties te beschermen, te bewaren en te verbeteren en de duurzame ontwikkeling te bevorderen.

Dit DG valt onder verantwoordelijkheid van de eurocommissaris voor Milieu, maritieme zaken en visserij i.


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