LIFE side event in the 2017 EIP Water conference, Porto

Porto, Portugal
Béria Lima
datum 26 september 2017
plaats Porto, Portugal
organisatie Directoraat-generaal Milieu (ENV) i

Photo: BIOSUR (LIFE11 ENV/IT/000075)

The LIFE programme will organise a side event entitled ‘The LIFE programme: funding opportunities & innovative solutions on wastewater treatment’ in the framework of the 2017 conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Water. The event will take place on 26 September at 2pm.

The LIFE side event aims to showcase and disseminate a selection of the latest and most replicable solutions developed by LIFE in the field of wastewater treatment. Additionally, the side event will include presentations on the programme’s topics in the water sector for the following years as well a slot on LIFE funding opportunities and future call for projects.

The agenda can be found here.

This technical event is of interest to:

  • Investors and stakeholders in the water sector in search of innovative and marketable solutions to reduce the environmental impact of wastewater treatment; and
  • Potential applicants to the LIFE call for projects.

The European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP Water) is an EU initiative aiming to facilitate the development and exchange of innovative solutions in the European water sector. At the same time, the EIP Water supports the creation of market opportunities for these innovations, both inside and outside of Europe.

The annual conference of the EIP Water is one of the largest events on water in Europe and brings together the most relevant public and private-sector professionals in the water sector. The 2016 edition was attended by some 700 delegates from private companies, investors, public authorities and research institutions, all in an excellent position to use and replicate the solutions developed by LIFE on water.

Update October 2017: Presentations are available here.


Directoraat-generaal Milieu (ENV)

Dit directoraat-generaal i ontwerpt nieuwe milieuwetgeving, werkt deze uit en ziet erop toe te dat de overeengekomen maatregelen ook daadwerkelijk door de lidstaten in praktijk worden gebracht. Opdracht daarbij is: het milieu voor huidige en toekomstige generaties te beschermen, te bewaren en te verbeteren en de duurzame ontwikkeling te bevorderen.

Dit DG valt onder verantwoordelijkheid van de eurocommissaris voor Milieu, maritieme zaken en visserij i.


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