Comenius - Grundtvig Conference: "Give voice to special needs"

Kalender (Bron: swedeandsour /
swedeandsour /
datum 28 november 2013 - 30 november 2013
plaats Italië
organisatie Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding (Cedefop) i

The conference is aimed at highlighting the best practices ensuring the sustainability of the well-being expressed by people. Active inclusion and the fight against poverty of adults with fewer opportunities in education and training and their families should be central in the further developed through the initiative “European Platform for the well-being of all .

The main objectives of the conference are:

  • to discuss the future of an inclusive education and training programme for different disadvantaged groups with particular focus on the EU Learning Programme
  • to recognize the rights and capacity of excluded people to play an active role in society
  • to identify patterns of under-representation among those currently involved in the EU Programme
  • to share "what can we do together for people with fewer opportunities in education and training"
  • to discuss about key barriers identified
  • to exchange good practice and lessons for the future and recommendations on "how to encourage more participation of disadvantaged groups"


Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding (Cedefop)

Het Europees Centrum voor de Ontwikkeling van de Beroepsopleiding is een agentschap i dat sociale partners, beleidsmakers in lidstaten en de Europese instellingen informeert over het beleid van de lidstaten inzake beroepsonderwijs en beroepsopleidingen door het publiceren van bijvoorbeeld studies en statistieken. Ook geeft het Cedefop rapporten uit over te verwachten trends. Cedefop wil 'een leven lang leren' (permanente educatie) bevorderen.


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