Europese conferentie over financiering en organiseren van transport- en infrastructuurprojecten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Deens voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 mei 2012.

On 24-25 May 2012, the Danish EU i Presidency and the European Commission will open the doors for a conference in Copenhagen on financing and organising large transport infrastructure projects.

The conference will provide a framework for discussions and exchange of experience between experts on innovative ways to finance major infrastructure projects in the EU. The state budgets are being challenged in most European countries. It is therefore a difficult task to finance the future expansion and improvement of the infrastructure. The conference is a very relevant and important opportunity to discuss the subject in a European context.

Minister for Transport, Mr. Henrik Dam Kristensen will open the conference on 24 May 2012, followed by speeches from experts from EU member states, the private sector, the European Commission and the European Parliament.

In this context Minister for Transport, Mr. Henrik Dam Kristensen says:

"I am happy that the Danish EU Presidency in cooperation with the European Commission has put financing of infrastructure in the EU on the agenda."

"Governments across Europe are experiencing that their economic room for maneuver is limited because of the economic situation. There is no doubt, that a well-functioning infrastructure and a modern, efficient transport system is vital for the competititveness of our economies and the private sector."

"This conference is an important contribution to how innovative approaches to financing of infrastructure can ensure the necessary investments in infrastructure in Europe, even during times of economic crisis."

"We can contribute with good experiences in Denmark. We have fx used a so-called 'state guarantee model’ with great succes in connection with financing and organising the fixed links across the Great Belt and the Øresund. It is an approach which we hope other countries will find interesting to learn more about."