Date |
Title |
05.05.2010 |
Conclusion of the Agreement with Georgia on the facilitation of the issuance of visas.
Decision com(2010)198
05.05.2010 |
Conclusion of the Agreement with Georgia on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation.
Decision com(2010)200
29.03.2010 |
Combating the sexual abuse, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography.
Directive com(2010)94
29.03.2010 |
Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings, and protecting victims.
Directive com(2010)95
24.03.2010 |
Implementation of enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation.
Regulation com(2010)105
24.03.2010 |
Proposal for a Council Decision No …/2010/EU authorising enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation.
Decision com(2010)104
03.02.2010 |
Signature of an Agreement with Croatia on the participation of Croatia in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
Decision com(2010)20
03.02.2010 |
Conclusion of an Agreement with Croatia on the participation of Croatia in the work of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.
Decision com(2010)21
17.12.2009 |
Conclusion of the Agreement with Iceland and Norway on the application of certain provisions of the Convention of 29 May 2000 on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters ...
Decision com(2009)704
17.12.2009 |
Conclusion of the Agreement with Iceland and Norway on the surrender procedure between the Member States of the EU and Iceland and Norway.
Decision com(2009)705
17.12.2009 |
Conclusion of the Agreement with Japan on the mutual legal assistance in criminal matters.
Decision com(2009)706
17.12.2009 |
Conclusion of the Agreement with Iceland and Norway on the application of certain provisions of Council Decision 2008/615/JHA on the stepping up of cross-border ...
Decision com(2009)707
14.10.2009 |
Jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of ...
Regulation com(2009)154
28.07.2009 |
Conclusion by the EC of the convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance.
Decision com(2009)373
14.04.2008 |
Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1683/95 laying down a uniform format for visas as regards the numbering of visas.
Regulation com(2008)188
29.02.2008 |
Conclusion of the Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.
Decision com(2008)116
23.10.2007 |
Single application procedure for a single permit for third-country nationals to reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a common set of rights for ...
Directive com(2007)638
18.10.2007 |
Amendment of Council Regulation (EC) No 2252/2004 on standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States.
Regulation com(2007)619
12.09.2007 |
Implementation of Regulation (EC) No 168/2007 as regards the adoption of a Multiannual Framework for the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights for 2007-2012.
Decision com(2007)515
21.08.2007 |
Conclusion of an Agreement with the Council of Europe on cooperation between the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and the Council of Europe.
Decision com(2007)478
10.08.2007 |
European Migration Network.
Decision com(2007)466
17.07.2007 |
Defining 1-benzylpiperazine (BZP) as a new synthetic drug which is to be made subject to control measures and criminal provisions.
Decision com(2007)430
06.07.2007 |
Signing of the Convention between the EC and Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and ...
Decision com(2007)387
06.06.2007 |
Amendment of Directive 2003/109/EC to extend its scope to beneficiaries of international protection.
Directive com(2007)298
16.05.2007 |
For sanctions against employers of illegally staying third-country nationals.
Directive com(2007)249
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 26 July 1995, based on Article K.3 of the Treaty on EU, on the establishment of a European Police Office (Europol ...
Recommendation com(2007)215
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 26 May 1997, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3(2)(c) of the Treaty on EU, on the fight against corruption ...
Recommendation com(2007)218
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 29 May 2000, established by the Council in accordance with Article 34 of the Treaty on EU, on Mutual Assistance in ...
Recommendation com(2007)213
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention on the Law applicable to Contractual Obligations, opened for signature in Rome on 19 June 1980.
Recommendation com(2007)217
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 18 December 1997, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the treaty on EU on mutual assistance and cooperation ...
Recommendation com(2007)216
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 26 July 1995, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on EU, on the use of information technology for ...
Recommendation com(2007)211
25.04.2007 |
Accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the Convention of 17 June 1998, drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on EU, on driving disqualifications.
Recommendation com(2007)214