SEC(2010)662 EU
Accompanying document to the proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and COUNCIL REGULATION implementing Article 10 of the UN’ Firearms Protocol and establishing export authorisation, import and transit measures for firearms, their parts and components and ammunition Impact Assessment - Main contents
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official title
Accompanying document to the proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT and COUNCIL REGULATION implementing Article 10 of the United Nations’ Firearms Protocol and establishing export authorisation, import and transit measures for firearms, their parts and components and ammunition Impact AssessmentDecision making procedure | ordinary legislative procedure (COD) |
reference by COM-number i | SEC(2010)662 ![]() |
procedure number i | 2010/0147(COD) |
CELEX number i | 52010SC0662 |
Document | 31-05-2010 |
Online publication | 31-05-2010 |
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