Drs. M.J.R.L. (Marcel) de Graaff - Main contents
Source: Parlement.com.
Marcel de Graaff (1962) is a member of the European Parliament on behalf of the PVV (Party for Freedom). De Graaff is member of the committee on foreign affairs. Previously De Graaff was a member of the Dutch senate and chair of the committee on infrastructure and the environment. He was frontrunner for the party at the 2014 elections for the European Parliament. During hs tenure as a senator De Graaff was an IT consultant.
Name and surname
M.J.R.L. (Marcel) de Graaff
Date of birth
April 7th 1962
Place of birth
Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Secondary school
Gymnasium in Rotterdam, 1974 to 1981
Theology, Radboud University Nijmegen, 1981 to 1988
Course on information analytics, 1989
PVV (Party for Freedom, rightwing yet socially conservative party)
Selected party political functions
-leader of PVV in the Senate since september 2012
-consultant IT & Operations, since August 1989
-teacher on religious affairs at secondary school, January 2010 to July 2010
-member of the Senate, since June 2011