Bijlagen bij COM(2006)26 - Thematisch programma voor de samenwerking met derde landen op het gebied van migratie en asiel

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Projects selected for co-financing by the European Commission under the 2004 budget for the AENEAS Programme

(financial and technical assistance to third countries in the areas of migration and asylum)

Applicant | Project Title | Location | EC contribution | Actions and objectives |

Direccion General d'immigration de la Coopération pour le Developpement et du Volontariat de la Communauté de Madrid | Accompagnement à l'amélioration des conditions d'accueil et de protection des mineurs de 14 ans regroupés en provenance du territoire de la Communauté de Madrid | Espagne et Maroc | 1.999.999,00 € | Le projet a pour but de résoudre les problèmes qu´éprouvent des mineurs de moins de 14 ans d´origine marocaine, qui se trouvent tout seuls, non accompagnés et en situation irrégulière dans la région de Madrid. Il propose de mettre en place un mécanisme qui garantisse leur protection depuis leur identification et facilite de façon efficace et effective leur retour auprès de leur famille dans leur milieu et pays d´origine. |

UNHCR | Building an Asylum structure in Serbia and Montenegro | Serbia et Montenegro | 698.005,92 € | to assist Serbia and Montenegro in developing the asylum structure. |

ERA | Training Action for the Balkans , Three intensive seminars on Asylum and International Protection for 120 civil servants | Balkans | 512.617,00 € | Three seminars, one week each, will first and foremost give a general overview of all the issues related to the migration and asylum, in particular: legal migration; dialogue on migratory flows; readmission and reintegration of the returnees; illegal immigration. |

Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation of the Hellenic Republic | Building on Mechanism to effectively and sustainably implement readmission agreements between Albania, the EC and third countries | Albanie et Greece | 1.454.768,00 € | The main set of activities will be: capacity building of return and readmission entities in Albania; cooperative approaches to information exchange between administrations in the implementation of readmission agreements; building mechanisms of return to and from Albania including improving the identification of illegal immigrants bound for readmission and the re-integration of returnees. |

Ministry of Interior Italy Across Sahara | Italy, Libya and Niger | 1.567.158,27 € | enhancing cooperation between Libya and Niger in border control and fight against illegal migration, to organise their structures and to consider revision of legislation; training of trainers/officers of staff employed in specific sectors of interest |

IOM | Enhanced Capacity building in Migration Management to Support Effective Return and Sustainable reintegration of refugees in Sri Lanka | Sri Lnaka | 1.873.464,00 € | To enhance the capacity of the Government of Sri Lanka to manage migration with a particular focus on return migration. To enhance measures to assist in the sustainable reintegration of returning migrants |

IOM | Programme de renforcement et de soutien au Dialogue et a la gestion des migrations irrégulières et de Transit au Maghreb en provenance de l'Afrique de l'Ouest | EU, Maghreb, Afrique Sub-Saharien | 1.561.245,56 € | Renforcement du dialogue et des mécanismes de suivi et de coordination Coopération technique en matière de renforcement des capacités institutionnelles des pays de transit et d’origine Campagnes d’information auprès des migrants potentiels au sein des pays émetteurs |

IOM | An integrated approach to promoting legal migration through national capacity building | South Caucasus | 777.397,00 € | to prevent illegal immigration, facilitate discussions on conclusion of bilateral readmission agreements based on the EU-standard, enable improved reintegration, and promote legal migration within each South Caucasus country and bilaterally with targeted receiving EU member states through dialogue and capacity building. |

UNHCR | Strengthening protection and durable solutions for asylum seekers and refugees in Egypt | Egypt | 524.058,00 € | Strengthening Protection and Durable Solutions for Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Egypt |

UNHCR | The cross border cooperation process | Belarus , Moldova, Ukraine | 1.307.898,40 € | develop a coordinating mechanism to effectively respond to asylum, migration and border management challenges in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine, and in the region at large in close cooperation with Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania Poland, Romania, Slovakia. |

ILO | ILO/UNIFEM/EC Asian Programme of the Governance of Labour Migration | countries of the Mekong region China Korea Japan and South Asia countries | 1.955.335,00 € | contribute to the promotion of rights and gender-based governance of labour migration and the protection of Asian migrant workers from exploitative and abusive treatment |

IOM | TRIM | Libya | 2.000.000,00 € | the Action will strengthen Libya's capacities to address illegal transit immigration in a humane and orderly manner |

IOM | Regional Dialogue and Program on facilitating managed and legal migration between Asia and the EU | Asia | 848.583,00 € | develop legal migration and enhance regional dialogue and cooperation in facilitating managed migration from Asia to the EU |

CISP - Comitato Internazioanale per lo Sviluppo dei popoli | Projet réseau Afrique/Migration | Maghreb et Libye | 1.307.131,00 € | Le projet vise à renforcer l’engagement opérationnel et la collaboration régionale des acteurs de la société civile en matière de gestion des flux migratoires, en particulier l’immigration illégale et le trafic des êtres humains, par la mise en place et la livraison d’un ensemble de services en faveur des immigrés illégaux, par la croissance de la perception et des informations de l’opinion publique et des autorités locales maghrébines sur la réalité de la migration et, enfin, par le renforcement et l’élargissement du réseau Afrique Migration. |

Comune di Roma | W.A.R.M. | Albania | 1.215.196,00 € | Reintegration of Albanian returnees through their insertion on labour market and through micro-enterprises creation. |

Euro- Mediterranean Human Rights Network -EMHRN | Enhancing civil society participation in human rights management of migration | Libie et Maghreb | 535.598,00 € | Enhancing civil society participation in human rights management of migration and asylum in the Southern Mediterranean and Middle East |

Mairie de Cartaya | Programme de gestion integral de l'immigration seasonniere | Maroc Espagne | 1.196.000,00 € | Gestion intégrale de l´immigration saisonnière de travailleurs marocains vers un groupe de municipalités agricoles espagnoles. |

Guardia Civil Ministry of Interior | Project Seahorse | Maroc Mauritanie | 2.000.000,00 € | Establish and develop Maghreb- Sub Saharan African relations and dialogue on migration questions. |

MLAL - Progettomondo | Promotion d'une migration responsable | Maroc | 868.214,40 € | Promouvoir une migration responsable dans la région de Tadla Azilal en encourageant la conscientisation des jeunes sur les risques de l’émigration clandestine. |

World Bank | International migration from Middles East and North Africa | Middle East and North Africa | 733.570,00 € | identify and support the implementation of projects, policies, regional arrangements, and institutional reforms that will maximise the benefits of international migration flows and reduce their costs |

Croatian Law Centre | Protection of Asylum seekers in the Republic of Croatia and Region | Croatia and region | 1.000.000,00 € | Strengthening the protection in CRO and region (BH, SMN) by developing asylum system consistent with international standards. |

European Council on Refugees ,and Exiles - ECRE | The protection of refugees asylum seekers and forced migrants | Belarius, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine | 529.705,00 € | Improve the implementation in Belarus, Molodva, Ukraine and European Russia of national and international refugee and human rights instruments – leading to increased security and protection for refugees. |

Institut Universitaire Europeén | Action collective dee soutien à la réintégration des migrants de retour dans leur pays d'origine | Algerie Maroc Tunisie | 1.076.000,00 € | soutenir la réintégration durable des personnes en retour en Algérie, au Maroc et en Tunisie (Construction d’une base de données sur les personnes en retour, production de rapports sur le retour et la réintégration, rencontres sur le thème de la réintégration, présentation de propositions |

COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale | ALBAMAR | Albanie et Maroc | 1.334.572,00 € | definition and implementation of an integrated support to Moroccan and Albanian migrants forcedly or voluntarily repatriated from Italy that are highly exposed to the risks of illegal migration and criminal activities |

VASA PRAVA - BiH | Strengthening the protection of asylum seekers | BiH | 616.562,98 € | ensuring a maximum protection and access to justice for asylum seekers, recognized refugees and other categories of persons under international protection in BiH, and victims of human trafficking, ensuring the full access to their rights via the provision of free legal aid and information campaigns |

Cabinet of Secretary for Security of the Macao Special Administrative Region | 2005/2006 MIGRAMACAO | Macao , China | 500.904,80 € | The aim of the MIGRAMACAU action is to ensure entities of Macao more effective management in all aspects of migration flows, including the prevention and combating of illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings through the cooperation with regional countries and the coordination with the EC |

29.993.983,33 € |



Regions |Regions and countries |Areas |Article |Objectives |Types of activities (indicative) |Indicative amounts (million €) |AWP | | All regions |Countries concerned by readmission negotiations | Readmission |Art. 2 § 1 e |Support implementation of readmission agreement with the EC, once initialled, signed or concluded. |Develop the exchange of information between the administrations concerned, improve the identification and the documentation of returnees, improve the infrastructure of reception and develop capacity of reception of non-national returnees before transfer to their country of origin. |3.35 |2005 | |North Africa |Countries of the region to be determined |Management of Migration+ Asylum and International Protection+ Fight against illegal migration |Art. 2 § 1 c & d |1. Improve conditions of reception of refugees in the region.2. Improve international protection, complying with international conventions and reinforce legal structures in the regions. Promote regional cooperation in the field of management of migration flows, especially transit migration, illegal migration and trafficking in human beings. |1. Improvement of the conditions of reception and of the capacity of registration and of documentation of asylum seekers and refugees as well as of integration in the host country.2. Development of a regional dialogue on asylum and strengthening of the legislative capacities and of the expertise available in the region.3. Development of exchange of expertise and advice with the EU.4. Development of the training of the administrations concerned. Development of the transnational coordination of the central services for fight against illegal immigration in view of encouraging coordination, dialogue, exchange of experience and information between the specialised services of the national administrations.5. Development and setting up of a protocol defining short and medium term immediate responsibility for the victims of shipwreck and clandestine passage. Setting-up of an entity for legal assistance and support to the investigators allowing to reconcile the humanitarian responsibility and the research of the authors of the most serious offences of trafficking of the human beings'.6. Development of a network of liaison officers for harbour and airport control of migration in order to improve the fight against illegal migration. |3,0 |2005 | |Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia |All the countries of the region and Russia in particular |Legal migration |Art. 2 § 1 a & b |1. Improve the protection and the treatment of migrants.2. Improve the policies related to the management of immigration for labour purposes |1. Development of the training of staff and exchange of information and experience, creation of a network for information concerning migration for economic purposes.2. Support of actions for fight against racism and xenophobia towards migrants.3. Capacity building of regional and national authorities in order to evaluate the needs and perspectives for foreign workforce and putting in place of appropriate strategies and pilot projects. |3,0 |2005 | |Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia |Moldova, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan |Legal Migration |Art. 2 § 1 a & b |Facilitate the use of remittances in favour of the macroeconomic development of the countries concerned. |Support initiatives in view of using remittances for productive goals. |2,0 |2005 | |Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia |Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus |Asylum and international protection. |Art. 2. § 1 c |Improve international protection |Improvement of the conditions of reception and of the capacity of registration and of documentation of their asylum seekers and refugees as well as of integration in the host country. |2,0 |2005 | |Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia |All the countries of the region of Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus and Central Asia |Fight against illegal migration |Art. 2 § 1 d |Fight against trafficking and smuggling of human beings |1. Promotion of cooperation and of information exchange at the regional level, management of transit migration and fight against false documents.2. Development of the capacities to persecute traffickers and of protection and reintegration of victims.3.Development of information and awareness-raising of candidates for migration.4. Staff training for detection of false documents. |5,0 |2005 | |Balkans |Region as a whole |Management of Migration |Art. 2 § 1 |Support the development of national policies according to a unified approach in the fields of migration and asylum and visa |Improve the management capacity of the institutions involved in the fields of asylum, migration and visa. |4,0 |2005 | |Turkey |Turkey |Asylum and international protection. |Art. 2 § 1 c |Reinforce asylum systems |Improve the necessary reception conditions and the capacity in the field of registration and documentation of asylum seekers and refugees as well as their integration in the host country. |1,0 |2005 | |Turkey |Turkey |Fight against illegal migration |Art. 2 § 1 d |Increase the fight against illegal migration |Contribute to the implementation of the action plan for fight against illegal immigration |1,0 |2005 | |Asia |China |Fight against illegal migration |Art. 2 § 1 d |Improve the cooperation EU/RPC in the field of the fight against illegal migration and smuggling of human beings. |Development of exchange of information, of cooperation and recognition of respective knowledge of systems between administrations of the RPC and the EU, especially in the field of return, false documents and biometrics. |4,0 |2005 | |Latin America |Region as a whole (and in particular the countries of the Andean Community Argentina and Uruguay). |Legal Migration |Art. 2 § 1 a & b |Support the development of the interregional dialogue EU/LAC |1. Promote a more efficient use of remittances in the macro-economic development of the country.2. Establish and/or develop systems for data collection and treatment in the field of migration flows. |3,0 |2005 | |Sub-Saharan Africa |All the countries of the region. |Migration and development + Legal Migration |Art. 2 § 1 a & b & d | Support improvement of laws, policies and management structures in the field of migration especially through actions of regional character. |1. Reinforce the link between migration and development (notably by improving transfer systems for remittances, enhancing the role of diasporas, limiting 'brain drain', favouring "brain circulation" and starting experiences at intra-regional level).2. Facilitation and circulation of legal migrants.3. Fight against smuggling of human beings and illegal immigration.4. Develop the capacity of authorities and responsible organisations to collect and analyse data on migrants and to manage the questions related to migration. |5,0 |2005 | |Sub-Saharan Africa |Countries receiving important quantities of refugees (with a priority for Tanzania) |Asylum and International Protection |Art. 2. § 1 c |Develop sustainable solutions in favour of refugees |Reinforce the capacity of protection in the host regions especially in order to 1) support the management capacity of the national authorities 2) develop registration and documentation systems for refugees et 3) tackle the problems concerning their integration in the host regions |4,0 |2005 | | | | | | | |40,350,000 | | |

[1] Zie de mededeling van de Commissie aan de Raad en het Europees Parlement over “Het externe optreden via thematische programma’s binnen de nieuwe financiële vooruitzichten 2007 – 2013” [COM(2005) 324 definitief] van 3 augustus 2005.

[2] 14292/1/04 Herz. 1, Conclusies van het voorzitterschap – Brussel 8 december 2004 Hoofdstuk 1.6.1.

[3] COM(2005)621.

[4] De benaming “AENEAS" is ontleend aan de naam van de held van Vergilius' "Aeneis".

[5] 30 miljoen euro voor 2004, 45 miljoen euro voor 2005, 45 miljoen euro voor 2006, 60 miljoen euro voor 2007 en 70 miljoen euro voor 2008 (indicatieve verdeling per jaar).

[6] Dit verklaart ook waarom er geen uitvoering meer wordt gegeven aan de herziene versie voor 2006 van het referentiedocument van het AENEAS-programma 2004-2006, waarvan de bedoeling was dat dit de activiteiten van het laatstgenoemde programma voor de begrotingsjaren 2007-2008 zou plannen en dat was inbegrepen (zie punt 2.7. onder b) in het Actieplan tot tenuitvoerlegging van het Haags Programma dat door de Raad op 10 juni 2005 was goedgekeurd.

[7] 26 projecen in Noord-Afrika, de Balkan, Oost-Europa, Zuid- en Oost-Azië krijgen voor in totaal maximaal 30 miljoen euro medefinanciering van de Gemeenschap, zie Bijlage I.

[8] Met dit werkprogramma kan de Gemeenschap projecten medefinancieren in zowel Noord- als Afrika bezuiden de Sahara, het Midden-Oosten, Oost-Europa, Centraal-Azië, de Balkan, Turkije, China, Latijns-Amerika alsook de eilanden in het Caribisch gebied, tot ten hoogste 45 miljoen euro, zie Bijlage II.

[9] Momenteel bedragen de subsidies uit hoofde van een oproep tot het doen van voorstellen, van het AENEAS-programma minimaal 500.000 en maximaal 2.000.000 euro; de subsidie mag niet meer dan 80 en niet minder dan 50% van de totale subsidiabele kosten van de actie bedragen.

[10] Voor de pretoetredingslanden, daaronder ook die van de westelijke Balkan, zal samenwerking bij migratie en asiel gefinancierd blijven worden uit hoofde van het pretoetredingsinstrument (IPA), als integraal onderdeel van de nationale programma's.

[11] Titel van een seminar dat in 2005 door het International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) werd georganiseerd.

[12] COM(2002)703.

[13] Zie hierover de conclusies van de Raad van mei 2003 inzake migratie en ontwikkeling.

[14] COM(2005)390.

[15] COM(2003)336.

[16] COM(2004)811

[17] COM(2005)642.

[18] COM(2005)642

[19] Zie eveneens de conclusies van het voorzitterschap, de Europese Raad van Brussel, 15-16 december 2005, Bijlage I – algemene benadering van migratie.