Considerations on COM(2019)610 - Amending budget N° 4 to the budget 2019 Reduction of commitment and payment appropriations in line with updated needs of expenditure and update of revenue (own resources)

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table>—the Union's budget for the financial year 2019 was definitively adopted on 12 December 2018 (2),
on 2 July 2019, the Commission submitted a proposal containing draft amending budget No 4 to the general budget for the financial year 2019,

in order to avoid a shortage of funds, the adjustments to the institutions' budgets need to be processed swiftly. The Council therefore needs to proceed without delay the adoption of draft amending budget No 4 to the general budget for 2019. Therefore, it is justified to shorten, in accordance with Article 3(3) of the Council's Rules of Procedure, the eight-week period for the information of national Parliaments laid down in Article 4 of Protocol No 1,


Sole Article

The Council's position on draft amending budget No 4 of the European Union for the financial year 2019 was adopted on 3 September 2019.

The full text can be accessed for consultation or downloading on the Council's website:

Done at Brussels, 3 September 2019.

For the Council

The President


(1) OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p. 1.

(2) OJ L 67, 7.3.2019, p. 1.