Toelichting bij COM(2020)145 - Amending budget N° 1 to the budget 2020 Assistance to Greece in response to increased migration pressure Immediate measures in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak Support to post-earthquake reconstruction in Albania Other adjustments

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1. Introduction

The purpose of Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 1 for the year 2020 is to provide, in commitment appropriations, EUR 350,0 million to meet the needs resulting from the increased migration pressure in Greece, EUR 115,0 million to provide an urgent reponse to prevent a further deterioration of the COVID-19 outbreak and EUR 100,0 million to support post-earthquake reconstruction in Albania. Other minor adjustments are also proposed for the European Centre for Desease Prevention and

Control, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, the European Court of Auditors and the


Overall, the reinforcements proposed in this DAB amount to EUR 567,4 million in commitment appropriati ons and EUR 77,4 million in pa y ment a ppropriati ons.

2. Assistance to Greece in response to increased migration pressure

As a result of the conflict in North East Syria and uncerta inties surroundin g the EUTurkey Statement, a large inflow of migrants risks taking place at the borders of Greece and Bulgaria. This risks placing significant and urgent demands on the Greek reception facilities and the asylum systems and procedures as well as on the effective protection of the external borders of Greece and Bulgaria.

The appropriations available in 2020 for the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AM I F) and Internal Security Fund (ISF) are not sufficient to face all the consequences of these unexpected developments. While EUR 350,0 million can be made available from the existing financial envelope of the two programmes, the Commission requests an additional EUR 350,0 million in commitment appropriations and EUR 20,0 million in payment appropriations to meet the impact of a potential worsening of the situation.

The requested EU R 350,0 million in commitment appropriations will be used as follows:

EUR 280,0 million will be made available under AM I F to cover the following activities in Greece:

The construction of five M u lt i - P u r p ose Reception and Identification Centres (MPRICs) in the Greek islands in 2020. The five MPRICs will ensure accommodation for third-country nationals until the completion of their reception and identification process and for identified asylum seekers and applicants who are not granted international protection and should be returned and readmitted into their countries of origin. The MPRICs will be more efficient in terms of time and costs than the current separate accommodation areas and provide far more adequate up to standard accommodation (EUR 220,0 million).

The Voluntary Return and Reintegration Assistance (AVRR) programmes will be increased to support returns (EUR 10,0 million). In particular, the return and reintegration packages for the AVRR candidates will be improved in order to attract more migrants to join the programme. Moreover, it is necessary to organise new information campaigns to improve outreach.

Services in the new camps and emergency items (e.g. food, transportation), additional staff for medical teams as well as increased support to the Greek Asylum Service (EUR 50,0 million).

EUR 50,0 million is proposed to be made available under ISF Borders & Visa, to cover the costs related to the deployment and operational costs of borders guards and police officers at the external borders of Greece and/or Bulgaria and the acquisition of relevant equipment.

Additionally and in an effort to step up its capacities, the European Border and Coast Guard agency

coordinate a return programme for the quick return of persons without the right to stay to countries of origin from Greece.

Finally, a EUR 10,0 million increase in commitment and payment appropriations is proposed for the EU contribution to European Asylum Support Office (EASO) for the deployment of experts in Greece. This includes caseworkers to carry out operational support for exceptional asylum processing, interpreters and security personnel.


Budget lineNameCommitment appropriationsPayment appropriations
Section III – Commission
18 02 01 01Support of border management and a common visa policy to facilitate legitimate travel50 000 000-
18 02 03European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)10 000 00010 000 000
18 03 01 01Strengthening and developing the common European asylum system and enhancing solidarity and responsibility-sharing between the Member States280 000 000-
18 03 02European Asylum Support Office (EASO)10 000 00010 000 000
Total350 000 00020 000 000

3. Immediate measures in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak represents a severe public health emergency for citizens, societies and economies with infection spreading very rapidly in all Member States. Member States need to repatriate a large number of EU nationals stranded in third countries and face shortages3 of medical countermeasures and personal protective equipment essential to fight the disease.

To help Member States meet these challenges and respond to the impact of the outbreak, the Commission proposes to allocate EUR 128,6 million in commitment appropriations:

EUR 125,0 million under the the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) and EUR 3,6 million for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). EUR 10,0 million will be redeployed within the UCPM and the reinforcement of ECDC is fully financed through redeployment. Therefore, in total the Commission requests an additional EUR 115,0 million in commitment appropriations to reinforce the UCPM.


Union Civil Protection Mechanism (within the Union)

To face the most immediate needs of Member States with respect to medicines, personal protective equipment and medical products the Commission has launched an accelerated joint procurement procedure with 26 Member States, paid for by Member States from their national budgets.

As part of the EU’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak, UCPM facilitates cooperation between Member States. In addition to the joint procurement and as a further safety net, the Commission has adopted a new Implementing Act under rescEU/UPCM in order to support Member States in purchasing some of the needed equipment, thus increasing the volume and widening the scope of priority items purchased through the joint procurement. The rescEU direct grant will provide 90 % co-financing from the EU budget. The equipment purchased will remain available at EU level, providing room for manoeuver over and beyond the national stocks. It will be available to all Member States and will be used in case of insufficient national capacity.

The latest Rapid Risk Assessment produced by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), assessed as high the risk of widespread notional community transmission in the EU/EEA and UK, in the coming weeks, increasing the

The Commission will redeploy EUR 10,0 million in commitment appropriations to support COVID-19 medical countermeasures and equipment from within the existing UCPM/rescEU budget for 2020 (prevention and preparedness within the Union). However, given the magnitude of capacities needed, and related costs, the available budget is insufficient to cover the initiative. Reinforcements of EUR 70,0 million in commitment and EUR 40 million in payment appropriations are therefore requested.

3.2. Union Civil Protection Mechanism (in third countries)

The rescEU/UCPM has so far facilitated the repatriation of over 1,000 EU citizens to Europe from China, Japan, Oakland, U.S. and most recently from Morocco, resulting in 10 repatriation flights co-financed by the European Commission, as well as 2 flights co-financed bringing in-kind assistance to Wuhan.

The number of transport grant applications4

number of transport grant applications received so far this year is about to exceed the number of requests received in an entire year, and more are expected to come in shortly. The provisional estimated number of EU nationals stranded in various parts of the world is over 300,0005. The current budget is largely insufficient given the average cost per repatriation action has so far been EUR 1,0 million. Repatriation flights via the UCPM are to be used as the “last resort” only. Commercial repatriation options need to be exhausted by each Member State concerned. In addition, the transport grants will apply for “multi-national” flights only, taking on board citizens from various Member States.

The Commission requests EUR 45,0 million in commitment appropriations to support Covid-19-related repatriations, and to respond swiftly to other emergency crises that might be coming in the course of the year. Given the urgency of the repatriations and the need for immediate action, the Commission will transfer the required funds from the humanitarian aid instrument, with the intention of proposing a budgetary transfer to the Council and the European Parliament later in the year to reinstate these commitment appropriations for the purposes of humanitarian aid. No additional payment appropriations are requested at the moment.

3.3. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

Additional resources of EUR 3,6 million in both commitment and payment appropriations are proposed to increase the ECDC’s capacity, including in terms of staff (contractual agents), to contribute to the management of the current crisis.

ECDC will provide models for assessing and comparing the relative impact of different intervention strategies in fighting the COVID-19 outbreak and develop and advise on interventions in hospitals and the community to enhance prevention and control, clinical management and hospital preparedness. ECDC will also provide expertise in the field of emergency preparedness and response for deployments to countries in need of immediate assistance to respond to the crisis.

The reinforcement of ECDC is proposed to be entirely financed through redeployment, by reducing the allocations for measures aimed at eradication of animal diseases by around 2 %, with very limited impact on the implementation of these measures.


In the course of 2020, the instrument has received 40

the course of 2020, the instrument has received 40 grant applications and the average number of transport



Budget lineNameCommitment appropriationsPayment appropriations
Section III – Commission
23 03 01 01Disaster prevention and preparedness within the Union70 000 00040 000 000
23 03 02 02Rapid and efficient emergency response interventions in the event of major disasters in third countries45 000 000-
17 03 10Subsidy to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control3 642 0003 642 000
17 04 01Ensuring a higher animal health status and high level of protection of animals in the Union- 3 642 000
- 3 642 000
Total115 000 00040 000 000

4. Support to post-earthquake reconstruction in Albania

The earthquake which hit Albania on 26 November 2019 caused widespread damage and loss of life. According to the post-disaster needs assessment the value of the damaged physical assests amounts to EUR 844 million. The total recovery needs amount to EUR 1 076 million.

Following the donors’ conference in Brussels on 17 February 2020, hosted by the President of the Commission, the present DAB proposes EUR 100,0 million in commitment appropriations to support reconstruction efforts. EUR 15 million in payment appropriations are also proposed to cover advance payments in 2020 to implementing partners. The remaining payment appropriations will be covered as from the 2021 budget.


Budget lineNameCommitment appropriationsPayment appropriations
Section III – Commission
22 02 01 02Support for economic, social and territorial development and related progressive alignment with the Union acquis100 000 00015 000 000
Total100 000 00015 000 000

In addition, the Commission is providing EUR 15,0 million in reconstruction support to Albania from within the existing 2020 budget for the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance.


Other adjustments

5.1. European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)

In October 2017, agreement was reached on the creation of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)6. The Legislative Financial Statement accompanying the regulation envisaged a progressive phasing-in of the operational activities whereby the Office would reach cruising speed in 2023. The timing of this phasing-in needs to be partly accelerated to allow the EPPO to exercise its investigatory and prosecutorial functions as from the very start of its operations, including on the existing caseload at Member States level. In order to cope with this obligation as soon as possible, the Commission proposes to frontload in 2020 18 additional staff (11 establishment plan posts and 7 contractual agents) initially foreseen to be available from 2021.

Overall the Commission proposes an increase of EUR 3,3 million in commitment and payment appropriations to cover the increased costs of staff as well as other IT and security related expenditure not initially foreseen in the budget 2020.

Finally, the Commission proposes the upgrading of one AD11 post of the 2020 establishment plan into an AD14 post, to allow the recruitment of the Executive Director who will replace the current interim Director seconded from the Commission.


Budget lineNameCommitment appropriationsPayment appropriations
Section III – Commission
33 03 05European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)3 300 0003 300 000
Total3 300 0003 300 000



updated establishment plan is set out in the budgetary annex.


European Court of Auditors

When preparing its budget for 2020, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) requested EUR 900 000 to cover the audit of the EU agencies and other EU bodies. At a later stage of the 2020 budget procedure, the ECA decided to change the approach, i.e. the agencies will continue to pay for their audits on the basis of the current framework contract in 2020.

The Commission proposes to release the corresponding appropriations for the audit of the EU agencies and other EU bodies, as the ECA no longer needs them.


Budget LineNameAppropriations
2 7 0 1Audit of agencies and other bodies of the Union-900 000
Sub-total Section V-900 000
Total-900 000


European Ombudsman


the request for the



budget, the


had requested the downgrading of several posts in

the institution’s establishment plan in order to match the actual occupation of the posts. Two senior management posts AD15 and AD14 were therefore downgraded into two administrator’s posts AD 11.

In December 2019, the European Ombudsman, Ms Emily O’Reilly, was reelected for a five-year mandate. For this new mandate, Ms O’Reilly envisages to restructure the Office as from 2020 and intends to actually use the senior management posts that were previously downgraded.

It is thus proposed to upgrade one permanent AD 11 post and one permanent AD13 post to two permanent AD14 posts. This amendment has no impact on the level of appropriations allocated to the Ombudsman in the 2020 budget.



updated establishment plan is set out in the budgetary annex.

6. Financing

6.1. Heading 3 Security and Citizenship

The overall increase in commitment appropriations under Heading 3 amounts to EUR 423,3 million. Given the absence of margins and limited room for redeployment under this heading, the Commission proposes to m obil ise spec ial nstruments for this amount as follows:

To mobilise the Global Margin for Commitments for the migration related appropriations, i.e. EUR 350,0 million.

To mobilise the Flexibilty Instrument for all other expenditure exceeding the ceiling of heading 3 (EUR 73,3 million), i.e. to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and to provide additional means to European Public Prosecutor’s Office. As a result, the amount of the Flexibility Instrument mobilised in the 2020 budget will increase from EUR 778,1 million7 to EUR 851,7 million.

6.2. Heading 4 Global Europe

The overall increase in commitment appropriations under Heading 4 amounts to EUR 145,0 million for the post-earthquake reconstruction in Albania (EUR 100 million) and the COVID-19 repatriation flights co-finaced by the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUR 45 million). This amount will be financed from the unallocated margin available under this heading (EUR 248,4 million).

No use of special instruments is required.


Summary table by MFF heading

HeadingBudget 2020
Budget 2020Draft Amending Budget 1/2020(incl. DAB 1/2020)
1. Smart and inclusive growth
83 930 597 83772 353 828 44283 930 597 83772 353 828 442
Ceiling83 661 000 00083 661 000 000
1a Competitiveness for growth and jobs25 284 773 98222 308 071 59225 284 773 98222 308 071 592
Of which under global margin for commitments93 773 98293 773 982
Ceiling25 191 000 00025 191 000 000
1b Economic social and territorial cohesion58 645 823 85550 045 756 85058 645 823 85550 045 756 850
Of which under global margin for commitments175 823 855175 823 855
Ceiling58 470 000 00058 470 000 000
2. Sustainable growth: natural resources
59 907 021 05157 904 492 43959 907 021 05157 904 492 439
Ceiling60 421 000 00060 421 000 000
Margin513 978 949513 978 949
Of which: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) — Market related expenditure and direct payments43 410 105 68743 380 031 79843 410 105 68743 380 031 798
Sub-ceiling43 888 000 00043 888 000 000
Rounding difference excluded from margin calculation888 000888 000
EAGF Margin477 006 313477 006 313
3. Security and citizenship
3 729 074 4893 685 227 141423 300 00063 300 0004 152 374 4893 748 527 141
Of which under Flexibility Instrument778 074 48973 300 000851 374 489
Of which under global margin for commitments350 000 000350 000 000
Ceiling2 951 000 0002 951 000 000
4. Global Europe
10 261 572 2398 929 061 191145 000 00015 000 00010 406 572 2398 944 061 191
Ceiling10 510 000 00010 510 000 000
Margin248 427 761103 427 761
5. Administration
10 272 093 49410 275 096 704- 900 000
- 900 000
10 271 193 49410 274 196 704
Ceiling11 254 000 00011 254 000 000
Of which offset against Contingency margin- 252 000 000
- 252 000 000
Margin729 906 506730 806 506
Of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions7 956 203 1327 959 206 342- 900 000
- 900 000
7 955 303 1327 958 306 342
Sub-ceiling9 071 000 0009 071 000 000
Of which offset against Contingency margin- 252 000 000
- 252 000 000
Margin862 796 868863 696 868
Total168 100 359 110153 147 705 917567 400 00077 400 000168 667 759 110153 225 105 917
Of which under Flexibility Instrument778 074 489849 779 19773 300 00043 300 000851 374 489893 079 197
Of which under global margin for commitments269 597 837350 000 000619 597 837
Ceiling168 797 000 000172 420 000 000168 797 000 000172 420 000 000
Of which offset against Contingency margin- 252 000 000
- 252 000 000
Margin1 492 313 21620 122 073 280- 144 100 000
1 348 213 21620 087 973 280
Other special Instruments587 763 000418 500 000587 763 000418 500 000
Grand Total168 688 122 110153 566 205 917567 400 00077 400 000169 255 522 110153 643 605 917