Legal provisions of COM(2022)122 - Measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2022)122 - Measures for a high common level of cybersecurity at the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union. |
document | COM(2022)122 ![]() |
date | December 13, 2023 |
Chapter I
- Article 1 - Subject-matter
- Article 2 - Scope
- Article 3 - Definitions
- Article 4 - Risk management, governance and control
- Article 5 - Cybersecurity baseline
- Article 6 - Maturity assessments
- Article 7 - Cybersecurity plans
- Article 8 - Implementation
- Article 9 - Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board
- Article 10 - Tasks of the IICB
- Article 11 - Compliance
- Article 12 - CERT-EU mission and tasks
- Article 13 - Guidance documents, recommendations and calls for action
- Article 14 - Head of CERT-EU
- Article 15 - Financial and staffing matters
- Article 16 - Cooperation of CERT-EU with Member State counterparts
- Article 17 - Cooperation of CERT-EU with non-Member State counterparts
- Article 18 - Information handling
- Article 19 - Sharing obligations
- Article 20 - Notification obligations
- Article 21 - Incident response coordination and cooperation on significant incidents
- Article 22 - Major attacks
- Article 23 - Initial budgetary reallocation
- Article 24 - Review
- Article 25 - Entry into force
Article 1 - Subject-matter
(a)obligations on Union institutions, bodies and agencies to establish an internal cybersecurity risk management, governance and control framework;
(b)cybersecurity risk management and reporting obligations for Union institutions, bodies and agencies;
(c)rules on the organisation and operation of the Cybersecurity Centre for the Union institutions, bodies and agencies (CERT-EU) and on the organisation and operation of the Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board.
Article 2 - Scope
Article 3 - Definitions
(1) ‘Union institutions, bodies and agencies’ means the Union institutions, bodies and agencies set up by, or on the basis of, the Treaty on European Union, the Treaty on the functioning of European Union or the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community;
(2) ‘network and information system’ means network and information system within the meaning of Article 4(1) of Directive [proposal NIS 2];
(3) ‘security of network and information systems’ means security of network and information systems within the meaning of Article 4(2) of Directive [proposal NIS 2];
(4) ‘cybersecurity’ means cybersecurity within the meaning of Article 4(3) of Directive [proposal NIS 2];
(5) ‘highest level of management’ means a manager, management or coordination and oversight body at the most senior administrative level, taking account of the high-level governance arrangements in each Union institution, body or agency;
(6) ‘incident’ means an incident within the meaning of Article 4(5) of Directive [proposal NIS 2];
(7) ‘significant incident’ means any incident unless it has limited impact and is likely to be already well understood in terms of method or technology;
(8) ‘major attack’ means any incident requiring more resources than are available at the affected Union institution, body or agency and at CERT-EU;
(9) ‘incident handling’ means incident handling within the meaning of Article 4(6) of Directive [proposal NIS 2];
(10) ‘cyber threat’ means cyber threat within the meaning of Article 2(8) of Regulation (EU) 2019/881;
(11) ‘significant cyber threat’ means a cyber threat with the intention, opportunity and capability to cause a significant incident;
(12) ‘vulnerability’ means vulnerability within the meaning of Article 4(8) of Directive [proposal NIS 2];
(13) ‘significant vulnerability’ means a vulnerability that will likely lead to a significant incident if it is exploited;
(14) ‘cybersecurity risk’ means any reasonably identifiable circumstance or event having a potential adverse effect on the security of network and information systems;
(15) ‘Joint Cyber Unit’ means a virtual and physical platform for cooperation for the different cybersecurity communities in the Union, with a focus on operational and technical coordination against major cross-border cyber threats and incidents within the meaning of Commission Recommendation of 23 June 2021;
(16) ‘cybersecurity baseline’ means a set of minimum cybersecurity rules with which network and information systems and their operators and users must be compliant, to minimise cybersecurity risks.
Chapter II
Article 4 - Risk management, governance and control
2. The framework shall cover the entirety of the IT environment of the concerned institution, body or agency, including any on-premise IT environment, outsourced assets and services in cloud computing environments or hosted by third parties, mobile devices, corporate networks, business networks not connected to the internet and any devices connected to the IT environment. The framework shall take account of business continuity and crisis management and it shall consider supply chain security as well as the management of human risks that could impact the cybersecurity of the concerned Union institution, body or agency.
3. The highest level of management of each Union institution, body and agency shall provide oversight over the compliance of their organisation with the obligations related to cybersecurity risk management, governance, and control, without prejudice to the formal responsibilities of other levels of management for compliance and risk management in their respective areas of responsibility.
4. Each Union institution, body and agency shall have effective mechanisms in place to ensure that an adequate percentage of the IT budget is spent on cybersecurity.
5. Each Union institution, body and agency shall appoint a Local Cybersecurity Officer or an equivalent function who shall act as its single point of contact regarding all aspects of cybersecurity.
Article 5 - Cybersecurity baseline
2. The senior management of each Union institution, body and agency shall follow specific trainings on a regular basis to gain sufficient knowledge and skills in order to apprehend and assess cybersecurity risk and management practices and their impact on the operations of the organisation.
Article 6 - Maturity assessments
Article 7 - Cybersecurity plans
2. The cybersecurity plan shall include staff members’ roles and responsibilities for its implementation.
3. The cybersecurity plan shall consider any applicable guidance documents and recommendations issued by CERT-EU.
Article 8 - Implementation
2. Guidance documents and recommendations, issued in accordance with Article 13, shall support the implementation of the provisions laid down in this Chapter.
Chapter III
Article 9 - Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board
2. The IICB shall be responsible for:
(a)monitoring the implementation of this Regulation by the Union institutions, bodies and agencies;
(b)supervising the implementation of general priorities and objectives by CERT-EU and providing strategic direction to CERT-EU.
3. The IICB shall consist of three representatives nominated by the Union Agencies Network (EUAN) upon a proposal of its ICT Advisory Committee to represent the interests of the agencies and bodies that run their own IT environment and one representative designated by each of the following:
(a)the European Parliament;
(b)the Council of the European Union;
(c)the European Commission;
(d)the Court of Justice of the European Union;
(e)the European Central Bank;
(f)the European Court of Auditors;
(g)the European External Action Service;
(h)the European Economic and Social Committee;
(i)the European Committee of the Regions;
(j)the European Investment Bank;
(k)the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity.
Members may be assisted by an alternate. Other representatives of the organisations listed above or of other Union institutions, bodies and agencies may be invited by the chair to attend IICB meetings without voting power.
4. The IICB shall adopt its internal rules of procedure.
5. The IICB shall designate a chair, in accordance with its internal rules of procedure, from among its members for a period of four years. His or her alternate shall become a full member of the IICB for the same duration.
6. The IICB shall meet at the initiative of its chair, at the request of CERT-EU or at the request of any of its members.
7. Each member of the IICB shall have one vote. The IICB’s decisions shall be taken by simple majority except where otherwise provided for in this Regulation. The chair shall not vote except in the event of a tied vote where he or she may cast a deciding vote.
8. The IICB may act by a simplified written procedure initiated in accordance with the internal rules of procedure of the IICB. Under that procedure, the relevant decision shall be deemed approved within the timeframe set by the chair, except where a member objects.
9. The Head of CERT-EU, or his or her alternate, shall participate in IICB meetings except where otherwise decided by the IICB.
10. The secretariat of the IICB shall be provided by the Commission.
11. The representatives nominated by the EUAN upon a proposal of the ICT Advisory Committee shall relay the IICB’s decisions to the Union agencies and joint undertakings. Any Union agency and body shall be entitled to raise with the representatives or the chair of the IICB any matter which it considers should be brought to the IICB’s attention.
12. The IICB may act by a simplified written procedure initiated by the chair under which the relevant decision shall be deemed approved within the timeframe set by the chair, except where a member objects.
13. The IICB may nominate an Executive Committee to assist it in its work, and delegate some of its tasks and powers to it. The IICB shall lay down the rules of procedure of the Executive Committee, including its tasks and powers, and the terms of office of its members.
Article 10 - Tasks of the IICB
(a)review any reports requested from CERT-EU on the state of implementation of this Regulation by the Union institutions, bodies and agencies;
(b)approve, on the basis of a proposal from the Head of CERT-EU, the annual work programme for CERT-EU and monitor its implementation;
(c)approve, on the basis of a proposal from the Head of CERT-EU, CERT-EU’s service catalogue;
(d)approve, on the basis of a proposal submitted by the Head of CERT-EU, the annual financial planning of revenue and expenditure, including staffing, for CERT-EU activities;
(e)approve, on the basis of a proposal from the Head of CERT-EU, the modalities for service level agreements;
(f)examine and approve the annual report drawn up by the Head of CERT-EU covering the activities of, and management of funds by CERT-EU;
(g)approve and monitor key performance indicators for CERT-EU defined on a proposal by the Head of CERT-EU;
(h)approve cooperation arrangements, service level arrangements or contracts between CERT-EU and other entities pursuant to Article 17;
(i)establish as many technical advisory groups as necessary to assist the IICB’s work, approve their terms of reference and designate their respective chairs.
Article 11 - Compliance
(a)issue a warning; where necessary in view of a compelling cybersecurity risk, the audience of the warning shall be restricted appropriately;
(b)recommend a relevant audit service to carry out an audit.
Chapter IV
Article 12 - CERT-EU mission and tasks
2. CERT-EU shall perform the following tasks for the Union institutions, bodies and agencies:
(a)support them with the implementation of this Regulation and contribute to the coordination of the application of this Regulation through the measures listed in Article 13.1 or through ad-hoc reports requested by the IICB;
(b)support them with a package of cybersecurity services described in its service catalogue (‘baseline services’);
(c)maintain a network of peers and partners to support the services as outlined in Articles 16 and 17;
(d)raise to the attention of the IICB any issue relating to the implementation of this Regulation and of the implementation of the guidance documents, recommendations and calls for action;
(e)report on the cyber threats faced by the Union institutions, bodies and agencies and contribute to the EU cyber situational awareness.
3. CERT-EU shall contribute to the Joint Cyber Unit, built in accordance with the Commission Recommendation of 23 June 2021, including in the following areas:
(a)preparedness, incident coordination, information exchange and crisis response at the technical level on cases linked to Union institutions, bodies and agencies;
(b)operational cooperation regarding the computer security incident response teams (CSIRTs) network, including on mutual assistance, and the broader cybersecurity community;
(c)cyber threat intelligence, including situational awareness;
(d)on any topic requiring CERT-EU’s technical cybersecurity expertise.
4. CERT-EU shall engage in structured cooperation with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity on capacity building, operational cooperation and long-term strategic analyses of cyber threats in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2019/881 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
5. CERT-EU may provide the following services not described in its service catalogue (‘chargeable services’):
(a)services that support the cybersecurity of Union institutions, bodies and agencies’ IT environment, other than those referred to in paragraph 2, on the basis of service level agreements and subject to available resources;
(b)services that support cybersecurity operations or projects of Union institutions, bodies and agencies, other than those to protect their IT environment, on the basis of written agreements and with the prior approval of the IICB;
(c)services that support the security of their IT environment to organisations other than the Union institutions, bodies and agencies that cooperate closely with Union institutions, bodies and agencies, for instance by having assigned tasks or responsibilities under Union law, on the basis of written agreements and with the prior approval of the IICB.
6. CERT-EU may organise cybersecurity exercises or recommend participation in existing exercises, in close cooperation with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity whenever applicable, to test the level of cybersecurity of the Union institutions, bodies and agencies.
7. CERT-EU may provide assistance to Union institutions, bodies and agencies regarding incidents in classified IT environments if it is explicitly requested to do so by the constituent concerned.
Article 13 - Guidance documents, recommendations and calls for action
(a)calls for action describing urgent security measures that Union institutions, bodies and agencies are urged to take within a set timeframe;
(b)proposals to the IICB for guidance documents addressed to all or a subset of the Union institutions, bodies and agencies;
(c)proposals to the IICB for recommendations addressed to individual Union institutions, bodies and agencies.
2. Guidance documents and recommendations may include:
(a)modalities for or improvements to cybersecurity risk management and the cybersecurity baseline;
(b)modalities for maturity assessments and cybersecurity plans; and
(c)where appropriate, the use of common technology, architecture and associated best practices with the aim of achieving interoperability and common standards within the meaning of Article 4(10) of Directive [proposal NIS 2].
3. The IICB may adopt guidance documents or recommendations on proposal of CERT-EU.
4. The IICB may instruct CERT-EU to issue, withdraw or modify a proposal for guidance documents or recommendations, or a call for action.
Article 14 - Head of CERT-EU
Article 15 - Financial and staffing matters
2. For the application of administrative and financial procedures, the Head of CERT-EU shall act under the authority of the Commission.
3. CERT-EU tasks and activities, including services provided by CERT-EU pursuant to Article 12(2), (3), (4), (6), and Article 13(1) to Union institutions, bodies and agencies financed from the heading of the multiannual financial framework dedicated to European public administration, shall be funded through a distinct budget line of the Commission budget. CERT-EU earmarked posts shall be detailed in a footnote to the Commission establishment plan.
4. Union institutions, bodies and agencies other than those referred to in paragraph 3 shall make an annual financial contribution to CERT-EU to cover the services provided by CERT-EU pursuant to that paragraph 3. The respective contributions shall be based on orientations given by the IICB and agreed between each entity and CERT-EU in service level agreements. The contributions shall represent a fair and proportionate share of the total costs of services provided. They shall be received by the distinct budget line referred to in paragraph 3 as assigned revenue as provided for in Article 21(3), point (c) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council 8 .
5. The costs of the tasks defined in Article 12(5) shall be recovered from the Union institutions, bodies and agencies receiving the CERT-EU services. The revenues shall be assigned to the budget lines supporting the costs.
Article 16 - Cooperation of CERT-EU with Member State counterparts
2. CERT-EU may exchange incident-specific information with national counterparts in the Member States to facilitate detection of similar cyber threats or incidents without the consent of the affected constituent. CERT-EU may only exchange incident-specific information which reveals the identity of the target of the cybersecurity incident with the consent of the affected constituent.
Article 17 - Cooperation of CERT-EU with non-Member State counterparts
2. CERT-EU may cooperate with other partners, such as commercial entities, international organisations, non-European Union national entities or individual experts, to gather information on general and specific cyber threats, vulnerabilities and possible countermeasures. For wider cooperation with such partners, CERT-EU shall seek prior approval from the IICB.
3. CERT-EU may, with the consent of the constituent affected by an incident, provide information related to the incident to partners that can contribute to its analysis.
Chapter V
Article 18 - Information handling
2. The provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and the Council 9 shall apply with regard to requests for public access to documents held by CERT-EU, including the obligation under that Regulation to consult other Union institutions, bodies and agencies whenever a request concerns their documents.
3. The processing of personal data carried out under this Regulation shall be subject to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
4. The handling of information by CERT-EU and its Union institutions, bodies and agencies shall be in line with the rules laid down in [proposed Regulation on information security].
5. Any contacts with CERT-EU initiated or sought by national security and intelligence services shall be communicated to the Commission’s Security Directorate and the chair of the IICB without undue delay.
Article 19 - Sharing obligations
2. The Union institutions, bodies and agencies, upon request from CERT-EU and without undue delay, shall provide it with digital information created by the use of electronic devices involved in their respective incidents. CERT-EU may further clarify which types of such digital information it requires for situational awareness and incident response.
3. CERT-EU may only exchange incident-specific information which reveals the identity of the Union institution, body or agency affected by the incident with the consent of that entity. CERT-EU may only exchange incident-specific information which reveals the identity of the target of the cybersecurity incident with the consent of the entity affected by the incident.
4. The sharing obligations shall not extend to EU Classified Information (EUCI) and to information that a Union institution, body or agency has received from a Member State Security or Intelligence Service or law enforcement agency under the explicit condition that it will not be shared with CERT-EU.
Article 20 - Notification obligations
In duly justified cases and in agreement with CERT-EU, the Union institution, body or agency concerned can deviate from the deadline laid down in the previous paragraph.
2. The Union institutions, bodies and agencies shall further notify to CERT-EU without undue delay appropriate technical details of cyber threats, vulnerabilities and incidents that enable detection, incident response or mitigating measures. The notification shall include if available:
(a)relevant indicators of compromise;
(b)relevant detection mechanisms;
(c)potential impact;
(d)relevant mitigating measures.
3. CERT-EU shall submit to ENISA on a monthly basis a summary report including anonymised and aggregated data on significant cyber threats, significant vulnerabilities and significant incidents notified in accordance with paragraph 1.
4. The IICB may issue guidance documents or recommendations concerning the modalities and content of the notification. CERT-EU shall disseminate the appropriate technical details to enable proactive detection, incident response or mitigating measures by Union institutions, bodies and agencies.
5. The notification obligations shall not extend to EUCI and to information that a Union institution, body or agency has received from a Member State Security or Intelligence Service or law enforcement agency under the explicit condition that it will not be shared with CERT-EU.
Article 21 - Incident response coordination and cooperation on significant incidents
(a)Union institutions, bodies and agencies;
(b)the counterparts referred to in Articles 16 and 17.
2. CERT-EU shall facilitate coordination among Union institutions, bodies and agencies on incident response, including:
(a)contribution to consistent external communication;
(b)mutual assistance;
(c)optimal use of operational resources;
(d)coordination with other crisis response mechanisms at Union level.
3. CERT-EU shall support Union institutions, bodies and agencies regarding situational awareness of cyber threats, vulnerabilities and incidents.
4. The IICB shall issue guidance on incident response coordination and cooperation for significant incidents. Where the criminal nature of an incident is suspected, CERT-EU shall advise on how to report the incident to law enforcement authorities.
Article 22 - Major attacks
2. The Union institutions, bodies and agencies shall contribute to the inventory of technical expertise by providing an annually updated list of experts available within their respective organisations detailing their specific technical skills.
3. With the approval of the concerned Union institutions, bodies and agencies, CERT-EU may also call on experts from the list referred to in paragraph 2 for contributing to the response to a major attack in a Member State, in line with the Joint Cyber Unit’s operating procedures.
Chapter VI
Article 23 - Initial budgetary reallocation
Article 24 - Review
2. The Commission shall report on the implementation of this Regulation to the European Parliament and the Council at the latest 48 months after the entry into force of this Regulation and every three years thereafter.
3. The Commission shall evaluate the functioning of this Regulation and report to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions no sooner than five years after the date of entry into force.
Article 25 - Entry into force
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.