Legal provisions of COM(2012)456 - Amendment of Regulation (EEC/Euratom) No 354/83, as regards the deposit of the historical archives of the institutions at the European University Institute in Florence

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Article 1

Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 is hereby amended as follows:

(1)Article 8 is amended as follows:

(a)paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   Each institution, other than the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Central Bank (ECB), shall deposit at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence the documents which are part of its historical archives and which it has opened to the public in accordance with this Regulation. The deposit shall take place in accordance with the Annex.

Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, the depositing institutions may, for legal or administrative reasons, exclude the deposit of certain original documents at the EUI. In that case, they shall deposit a microform or digital copy of such documents.’


(b)the following paragraphs are added:

‘3.   The CJEU and the ECB may deposit their historical archives at the EUI on a voluntary basis.

4. The depositing institutions shall retain the ownership of their archives, as well as exclusive responsibility for the composition of the documents and files that are deposited at or otherwise made available to the EUI.

5. The deposit of the historical archives of the institutions at the EUI shall not affect the protection of the archives as provided for in Article 2 of Protocol No 7 on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Union, annexed to the Treaty on European Union and to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

6. The EUI shall ensure the preservation and protection of deposited archives. This preservation and protection shall comply with recognised international standards for the physical protection of archives and shall at least respect the technical and security rules that correspond with those used for the preservation and management of public archives in Italy. To this end, the deposited documents shall be preserved in a purpose-built repository.

7. The EUI shall be solely responsible for the staff called on to manage the historical archives of the Union deposited at the EUI. The EUI shall ensure that the staff assigned to the management of the historical archives has the requisite professional qualifications necessary to carry out the work in this domain.

8. Each depositing institution has the right to receive information with respect to the management of its archives by the EUI and to carry out an inspection of the archives that it has deposited there.

9. The EUI shall make available to the public the historical archives that it receives pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 3. The institutions may also make available to the public a copy of the same historical archives.

10. The costs for the management of the historical archives of the Union shall be financed through contributions by all depositing institutions to the relevant budget line, within the limits of the yearly appropriations made available by the budgetary authority in compliance with Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (5). Such financial contributions shall not cover costs related to the provision and adaptation of the buildings and repositories to house the archives and its staff.

The size of the contributions referred to in the first subparagraph shall be proportionate to the size of the respective establishment plans of the depositing institutions. Each contribution shall be recalculated whenever additional institutions begin to deposit their historical archives at the EUI or at least every five years.

11. The EUI shall act as processor in accordance with Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001, under instructions from the depositing institutions. The EUI shall process any personal data contained in the historical archives of the institutions in accordance with the guarantees set out in that Regulation.

12. The European Data Protection Supervisor shall continue to have supervisory powers over the institutions with respect to the processing of personal data contained in the historical archives deposited with the EUI.


(2)Article 9 is amended as follows:

(a)paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

‘1.   Each institution shall adopt internal rules for the application of this Regulation. These shall include rules for the preservation and opening to the public of historical archives and on the protection of personal data contained therein. Wherever possible, the institutions shall make their archives available to the public by electronic means, including digitised and born-digital archives, and facilitate their consultation on the internet. They shall also conserve documents which are available in forms meeting special needs (such as Braille, large text or recordings).’


(b)the following paragraph is added:

‘3.   On behalf of the depositing institutions, the Commission shall conclude a framework partnership agreement with the EUI. That framework partnership agreement shall include detailed provisions on the mutual roles and responsibilities of the institutions and of the EUI for the management of the historical archives of the Union, including their deposit, preservation, access and public consultation.’


(3)The text in the Annex shall be added, as the Annex, to Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.